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ASHA Northeastern Regional Champions Named at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show

by By Reeves Kirtner | Oct 27, 2005, 2:09 PM

The first American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) regional champions were named from the Northeastern regions made up of USEF Regions 11 and 12 at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg, PA, October 19-October 22.

In the open divisions, Whimsicality and Michael Richardson won the Five-Gaited Regional Championship, I’m Sky High and Francis A. Garone won the three-gaited championship and Definitely Dianna and Kaye Bowles Durnell won the fine harness championship.

In the amateur divisions, Beelzebub and Sheri Wechsler won the fine harness division, amateur three-gaited went to CH (SA) SJ Like A Champ and Margot Harwood and Harlem For President and Jean W. Heiney won the amateur five-gaited championship.

ASHA Regional Championships are a part of the AHSA's ongoing efforts to improve public education about the breed, as well as to increase competitive opportunities for all levels throughout the nation. The ASHA Northeastern Region includes states from Virginia to Maine. With more than 30,000 spectators annually and as the largest multi-breed indoor horse show in the country, the Pennsylvania National Horse Show provides the perfect showcase for the breed and championships.

In the park and show pleasure divisions, Bonus Attraction and Karin Folkers won the Open Park Regional Championship, Callaway’s Prime Rate and Carson Kressley were amateur park regional champions, the show pleasure driving championship went to CH Lover’s Heir and Tiana Tapper, CH Rastafarian and Kate Ryan were five-gaited show pleasure champions and three-gaited show pleasure adult went to I’m Simply Divine and Kelly Vernon.

Northeastern Regional Championships for country pleasure and western country pleasure went to CH A Magic Surprise and Pat Johnson in the western country pleasure division, country pleasure driving champions were CH Cat Cracker and Vernon Wise and Worthy’s Heirloom and Joelle Bennett won the country pleasure English championships in both the open and juvenile divisions.

In other juvenile classes, Heir Popper and Tara Grom won the three-gaited championship. Grom also won the juvenile show pleasure championship with Callaway’s Torch Bearer.

It is important to note that not all of the regional champions actually won the class. Some of the regional champions finished reserve, third, fourth and so on, but were named champions as a result of residency qualifications for the horses finishing ahead of them.

As a result of the Regional Championships and a grassroots effort from the Saddlebred community, including Stephanie Lawson of Shertzer/Lawson Marketing and Publishing; Curt Melick, President of the Pennsylvania Saddlebred Horse Association; Nealia McCraken of North Wind Stables in Hardwick, New Jersey; and many others, the total number of American Saddlebreds at the Harrisburg show increased by 50 entries. A committee of horsemen and professionals was also developed to give show officials advice to further enhance the breed’s participation at the largest multi-breed indoor horse show in the country.

Historic trophies, upgraded ribbons and presentations, including a victory pass around the Farm Show Arena ring under the spotlight, were all a part of the Regional Championships. ASHA Regional Championships will develop within the next year in all 12 of the USEF Saddlebred Regions.
