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Olympian Kevin Babington to Offer Jumper Clinic

by By High Point Equestrian | Nov 23, 2005, 11:58 AM

Irish competitor Kevin Babington will be offering a jumper clinic on Saturday, December 10, 2005, at the High Point Equestrian Center in Montague, NJ. Babington has represented Ireland’s international team since 1996 and has won numerous grand prix in the United States, as well. Babington has proven to be an effective communicator in his clinics. He is as skillful at improving the green horse and rider as he is with the advanced horse and rider.
The clinic will hold four 90-minute group lessons. The price to participate is $125 per rider. Auditors are welcome with a cost of $20. All entries must be received by Wednesday, December 7. Submit your entries ASAP, as space is limited.
Interested participants should contact Lester Murphy at (973) 293-0033, e-mail [email protected] or visit www.rideirishhorses.com.
