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The HorseTV Channel Develops New Series with Horse Behaviorist GaWaNi Pony Boy

by By Adryn Miller | Dec 1, 2005, 11:52 AM

The HorseTV Channel announced that it is in development with top horse behaviorist, GaWaNi Pony Boy for the production of a new television series called “Women & Horses.” The series will reflect the content of his popular Women & Horses magazine spotlighting women’s involvement in the horse world.

“Women play an integral part in the horse industry,” said GaWaNi Pony Boy. “I am pleased to join with The HorseTV Channel to bring women’s significant achievements to light for the widespread television audience.”

During his 20 years working within the equestrian industry, GaWaNi Pony Boy has become one of the most recognized and respected horse behaviorists. Pony began his quest to recognize women’s contributions to the horse industry as Executive Editor and President of Women & Horses magazine. He will expand on topics from the magazine’s favorite columns and develop them into thirteen half-hour episodes for television. Pony’s acclaimed series, “The Simple Truth About Horses” features his philosophy on horse behavior and human functioning and is currently airing on The HorseTV Channel.

“GaWaNi Pony Boy is an expert and distinct individual in the horse world,” said George Greenberg, Chairman and CEO of The HorseTV Channel. “His unique perspective on horse and human interaction represents an example of the diverse teaching philosophies presented on The HorseTV Channel.”

The HorseTV Channel launched October 27, 2005, and is available to satellite and cable systems nationwide. Viewers are encouraged to assist in bringing The HorseTV Channel into their communities by calling their local cable or satellite providers and requesting The HorseTV Channel.


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