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All American Cup and Bluegrass Futurity Stallion Service Auctions for Saddlebreds Set for January

by By Reeves Kirtner | Dec 12, 2005, 4:37 AM

The 2006 All American Cup and Bluegrass Futurity stallion service auctions are both set for January, and feature several prominent Saddlebred sires.

The 2006 All American Cup Stallion Service Auction will take place Saturday, January 21, at 4:30 p.m. at Claudia Sanders Restaurant in Shelbyville, KY. A total of 175 stallion services will be available, in which the offspring produced by these stallion services are eligible for the All American Cup.

The 2005 All American Weanling Cup awarded $163,360, including $50,176 to first place, over $35,000 for second and over $22,000 for third. The All American Cup takes place during the All American Horse Classic in Indianapolis in September. The American Saddlebred Registry Sweepstakes also take place at the All American Horse Classic.

Aikman, founder of the All American Cup, said this year's auction will be one of the most popular stallion service auctions of all time. Only 450 sets are available, and reservations can be made by calling Jim Aikman at (317) 862-4341, or by going online to www.allamericanhorseclassic.com/dinnerreservation.htm.

"One of the special features of this year's auction is the exclusive offering of the much sought after breeding services of the deceased Supreme Heir, Sultan's Santana and CH Heir To Champagne, as well as Undulata's Nutcracker, who is not available at public service," Aikman said.

Mail and phone bids can also be found online. A new feature to this year's auction, bids can be made on any registered stallion in the American Saddlebred Registry with a minimum bid of $600. The All American Cup will contact the stallion owner and make arrangements to have him nominated for the auction.

In addition to the auction, a stallion and farm visitation will take place that same day at 8 a.m. for All American Cup nominated stallions that are standing in the Lexington, Shelbyville, Versailles and Paris areas. Reservation forms for the visitation can be found online at www.allamericanhorseclassic.com/stallionvisitinfo.htm.

Aikman said the stallion and farm visitation has generated a lot of interest.

"A number of reservations have been made because people really want to see these 30-plus stallions," Aikman said. "Stallions are being shipped in from Georgia, Texas and West Virginia for the All American Cup Stallion Visitation."

Visits will be made at Leatherwood Farm, Double D Ranch, Grey Ridge Farm, Alliance Stud, Willowbank, Copper Coin and Undulata Farm. The stallions that will be present for the visits include I'm A New Yorker, Callaway's Gold Rush, Sir William Robert, CH Great Day's Came The Son, Sultan's Royalty, The Sky King, My Magical Moment, Belle Reve's Renaissance Man, Finally Attached, The Licorice Drop Kid, Undulata's Nutcracker, Callaway's Guy Park, Attache's Thunderbolt, Uncle Jimmy McDonald and many more.

Bluegrass Futurity Auction
The next day, Sunday, January 22, at 4 p.m., the Bluegrass Futurity Auction will take place in the Phoenix Room at the Keeneland Race Course in Lexington. To donate a stallion service to the auction, make reservations to attend the dinner or for general information please contact Melissa Moore by e-mailing [email protected]. The Bluegrass Futurity takes place during the Kentucky Fall Classic held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington in October.

The Bluegrass Futurity awarded more than $119,000 in 2004. The auction generated funds over $100,000 last year for the 2005 futurity with more than 100 stallion services sold.


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Disciplines: Hunter, Jumping