Lexington, Ky. - Are you a young equestrian who exhibits exceptional leadership potential? Do you serve as a positive role model for your peers and demonstrate an ongoing commitment and dedication to the promotion of equestrian sport? How involved are you in the community, and do you feel you exemplify positive sportsmanship principles? If so, you may be an eligible nominee for the 2017 United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Youth Sportsman's Award. Each year USEF-recognized national affiliate and international discipline associations search through submitted applications looking for a candidate who is a true sportsman or woman ready to represent their breed or discipline on a national level, and this year just might be your lucky year!
To apply, visit www.usef.org/youth and download the application or contact your USEF-recognized national affiliate and international discipline associations. Be sure to submit your application and all other required materials directly to your USEF-recognized national affiliate or international discipline association’s office on or before September 5, 2017. Affiliate contact information is included on the application form. Each USEF-recognized affiliate may select a national nominee after the September 1 deadline. Each affiliate nominee is considered for the overall Youth Sportsman’s Award, but only two (one winner and one reserve winner) are selected to receive grants.
The overall winner of the 2017 USEF Youth Sportsman's Award will receive a $1,000 grant payable to the educational program of their choice and a commemorative trophy. The winner will also be nominated for the USEF Junior Equestrian of the Year Award. The reserve winner will receive a $500 grant payable to the educational program of choice.
Applicants must meet the following criteria for consideration of the 2017 USEF Youth Sportsman's Award:
- Have a current membership in good standing with the USEF
- Have a current membership in good standing with a USEF-recognized national affiliate and international discipline associations
- Be 17 years of age or under, as of December 1, 2016
- Demonstrate an ongoing commitment and dedication to the promotion of equestrian sport
- Serve as a positive role model for peers
- Participate at any level of competition, including local, regional, or national events
- Be involved with their community
- Exhibit characteristics that exemplify positive sportsmanship principle
For more information regarding the USEF Youth Sportsman's Award, please contact Natalie Norwood, Director, National Breed/Discipline Affiliates, via e-mail at [email protected] or call (859) 225-6951.