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Call for Media Credential Applications: 2021 U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Aug 12, 2021, 11:27 AM

Lexington, Ky. - The 2021 U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions will take place August 24-29, 2021, at HITS Chicago at Lamplight Equestrian Center in Wayne, Ill. Members of the media who would like to request credentials to cover the event should submit a completed application form and waiver by August 18, 2021.

The 2021 U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions will consist of the following 14 championship divisions:

USEF Grand Prix Dressage National Championship

USEF Intermediaire I Dressage National Championship

Adequan®/USEF Young Adult Brentina Cup Dressage National Championship

Horseware Ireland/USEF Young Rider Dressage National Championship

Adequan®/USEF Junior Dressage National Championship

USEF Pony Rider Dressage National Championship

USEF Children Dressage National Championship

Markel/USEF Young and Developing Horse Dressage National Championships for four-, five-, and six-year-olds, as well as Developing Grand Prix and Developing Prix St. Georges

USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals for the 13 & Under and 14-18 divisions

Media seeking credentials must complete a criminal background check in accordance with the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee’s Background Check Policy. A criminal background check is necessary due to the potential of unsupervised one-on-one interactions with athletes. Please fill out and return the media credentials form and waiver, and contact Kathleen Landwehr at [email protected] to set up with a USEF account to complete the background check process as soon as possible. Domestic background checks take at least one week to complete and cost $30, which will be paid by the individual completing the background check. International background checks take at least three weeks to complete and cost $150. Background checks are to be paid by the individual or their employer.

Please note that private photographers will not be allowed at this event.

Find out more information about the U.S. Dressage Festival of Champions.

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Disciplines: Dressage