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Evaluating the Hunter and Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Judging Process

by US Equestrian Communications Department | May 9, 2023, 4:30 PM

In September 2022, USEF appointed a Hunter and Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Judges Task Force charged with evaluating, analyzing, and improving the current hunter and equitation judging system. With ever-present video, streaming, and social media input, the adjudication process is under constant scrutiny and criticism. While any subjectively judged sport endures some level of criticism from those who disagree with a judge’s or judging panels’ decisions, USEF acknowledged the increased volume of concerns and complaints received from the membership in the past year regarding judging and decided that it was time to review the processes of education, licensing, judging systems, and licensed officials evaluations.

For the past few months, the task force–comprised of a small group of judges, trainers, horse show managers, educators, and riders–has met to discuss the current system and propose changes. The task force held a webinar in mid-February for a broad focus group of stakeholders to present initial ideas and receive feedback. Subsequent meetings were held with smaller focus groups to turn concepts into action proposals. The meetings were fruitful, collaborative, and thought-provoking. The goal is to improve the current judging system, better educate and support USEF’s licensed officials, ensure that judges are appropriate to the level they judge, and to provide effective methods to allow exhibitors, show managers, and officials themselves to provide feedback.

As the Judges Task Force moves forward, they will host a series of webinars to gather feedback from the membership. The webinars will present ideas on modernized educational systems for applicants and current judges. A new class of license beyond the ‘r’ and ‘R’ licenses will be suggested as well as the levels of competition for its use. Scoring standardization parameters will be discussed as one method to enhance transparency, consistency, and understanding of scores. The process of evaluations will be improved so that input from participants, judges, and managers is collated and analyzed. Additionally, an enhanced system for judging major events and championships is being discussed with input collected from competition managers, judges, and participants.

The next steps are crucial as the task force receives feedback, sharpens ideas, and prepares to present important amendment proposals to the appropriate governing bodies at USEF and USHJA. Please email any thoughts or comments you may have to [email protected].

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