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Important USEF Combined Driving Rule Changes

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Sep 8, 2022, 9:30 AM

USEF rule changes occur in four different ways: Clarifications, Extraordinary rule changes, Standard changes, and adopting FEI rule changes. Clarifications and Extraordinary changes can happen at various points throughout the year – as they are necessary and time-sensitive modifications to the current rules. However, Standard changes and adopting FEI rules only happen once a year, just before the new season begins.

Check out the new or upcoming rule changes for Combined Driving:

  • Clarifications (effective June 1, 2022): Specifying division rules (small pony/VSE) as well as updates to the cool down area in marathon and corrections to other various inconsistencies.
  • Extraordinary change to DC 905 (effective September 1, 2022): Results inquiries, protests, and appeals
  • Standard changes (effective December 1, 2022):
    • New Division and Classes
      • A Beginner division is being added below the Training division. While it currently uses the Training level dressage test & cones rules, the marathon uses a controlled warm-up (no Section A), Obstacle letters A-C, and does not require routes through water.
      • A formal Para Driving class is also being created, which will use the FEI Para Driving Dressage Test, Intermediate speeds/distances, and USEF Para Driving specifications. Note: Para drivers can still participate in any other division or class & utilize their USEF or FEI Dispensation.


    • Short Format Driving Events: After trialing this type of competition format, it is now going into the DC rules!

How are Short Formats different than a CDE or CT?

      • Short Formats run 1-2 days
      • They can include any of the following competition phases or combination of phases: dressage, modified marathon, and/or cones.
      • Short Formats that offer three phases (dressage, modified marathon, cones) are eligible for halfHOTY points!
      • A modified marathon is 3-5 obstacles (with an optional controlled warm-up; no cool down area required)
      • Short Format Single Pony classes (up to Preliminary) can allow drivers 10 years old & up
      • Neat attire is required, but full formal attire is not! (sorry, still no shorts)
      • Beginner & Training level drivers can have outside verbal assistance for their Dressage test at a Short Format event (great option for new or young drivers!) Note: this is ONLY allowed at Short Format events, not CDEs.

For Organizers of Short Formats:

      • Only required officials:
        • Minimum of 1 licensed Judge

(LO applicants can also be hired as additional judges)

        • 1 licensed Technical Delegate
        • Some flexibility on Course Designer (see details in DC 972.1.6)
      • More flexible schedule
      • Minimum of 2 volunteers per obstacle
      • Fewer marathon sections to manage
  • Upcoming FEI Rules: The Driving Sport Committee responded to the FEI’s proposed 2023 rule changes through their Rules Revision process. Watch for those changes in December after the FEI approves their 2023 rules at the General Assembly.

All of these changes can currently be found on the competition resources tile on the Combined Driving webpage.

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Disciplines: Combined Driving