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Letter from President Tom O'Mara: "US Equestrian leadership is fully committed to creating a welcoming, safe, fun, and supportive environment for children and families"

by Thomas F.X. O’Mara, US Equestrian President | Oct 20, 2021, 11:31 AM

Dear US Equestrian Members,

We all take pride in equestrian sport and our community. Equestrians show up, equestrians achieve, and they care. We don’t settle. We strive every day to do better in our partnerships with our horses and are committed to continuous growth. Additionally, we have also made great strides in making our sport safer and better for all equestrians, especially our youth, and we must continue with those efforts.

I am writing this today because almost daily I, along with athletes and sports enthusiasts across the country, continue to be shocked and shaken by unthinkable cases of sexual abuse making headlines around the world in all sports. Most recently, survivors have stepped forward with moving testimony about the mishandling of the Larry Nassar case by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and beyond that, the U.S. Center for SafeSport has received an increasing number of reports as survivors share their stories, and we, too, have seen more equestrians added to the suspension and permanently banned lists. We, as an equestrian community, continue to be vigilant and united by standing with survivors and doing everything we can to make our sport as safe as possible, especially for young equestrians.

US Equestrian leadership is fully committed to creating a welcoming, safe, fun, and supportive environment for children and families. We want to ensure the barn and competitions are great places for the next generation of equestrians. We can all play a role to make this a reality:

  • Educate yourself on the signs of abuse. US Equestrian has helpful video resources available at USEF.org/safesport
  • Take the required training from the U.S. Center for SafeSport
  • Know how you can help. If someone approaches you and shares their story, be supportive and listen, and remember you are required to report any form of sexual abuse to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. If this person, is a minor, you must also notify the authorities. Reporting is confidential and can be anonymous
  • Know and follow the required Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP)
  • Be supportive and help change the culture in sport. Campaigns like #WeRideTogether and You Are Not Alone create awareness, a sense of community, and a safe space
  • Spread the word that USEF offers members free mental health resources as well as dedicated staff members who provide important supportive resources:
    • ?????Sarah Gilbert, USEF Safe Sport Program Coordinator
      [email protected] | (859) 225-6915

In the coming days, we will be sharing some updates to the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) from the U.S. Center for SafeSport, which will take effect January 1, 2022. These policies are required by federal law and will put in place additional measures to further our efforts to protect minors from abuse. 

We all are part of the solution, and with your continued commitment, we will make our sport a safe place for all to enjoy.

Thank you for your time,
Thomas F.X. O’Mara