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National Show Horse Finals Showcases Best of National Show Horse and Arabian Breeds in Illinois

by Ashley Swift, US Equestrian Communications Department | Sep 20, 2019, 8:50 AM

Springfield, Ill. – The National Show Horse Finals saw a gathering of the most impressive National Show Horses in the U.S. as riders and owners vied for top honors. With 200 National Show Horses and Arabian horses showing over the course of the three days, competition was fierce across the multitude of championship divisions. Ann Judd (Lutz, Fla.), Martha Rattner (Georgetown, Ky.), and Mitch Sperte (Victor, N.Y.) served as judges for this year’s competition.

The National Show Horse represents the epitome of the modern-day show horse as a combination of at least 50 percent Arabian blood and any other breed. Hosted by the National Show Horse Registry (NSHR) at the Illinois State Fairgrounds’ newly-renovated coliseum from September 12-14, the competition also served as a qualification opportunity for the Arabian Horse Association’s U.S. National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show in October.

Saturday morning was dedicated to the youth with the Arabian/National Show Horse Community Tournament Championships, a non-sanctioned division designed to introduce horse lovers from all backgrounds to the National Show Horse breed. Twenty-five junior exhibitors participated in multiple classes, presenting their horses with pride and demonstrating outstanding horsemanship and sportsmanship. Spectators and exhibitors alike were reminded of their love for these special horses as they watched the joy of people experiencing their first competition. The division included equitation and horsemanship classes in the saddle seat, hunter, and Western seat disciplines.

The National Show Horse Registry is a recognized affiliate of US Equestrian. Keep up with the National Show Horse all year long by following the NSHR on Facebook.

Find out more about the National Show Horse and all of US Equestrian’s 29 recognized breeds and disciplines in this Learning Center video. Join the conversation and follow US Equestrian on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use #JoinTheJoy.

Photo by Howard Schatzberg

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