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Presidential Modification Regarding WD130

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 2, 2021, 10:35 AM

Lexington, Ky. – A Presidential Modification to WD130 has been approved for the 2022 competition year. The Presidential Modification clarifies the recently updated rule, to now include “in the same competition year” at the conclusion of the added sentence, “To be eligible for Intro Level, a horse/rider combination must not have shown in a Western Dressage Test at First Level or above.”

WD130 should be followed as written below for the 2022 competition year:

1. Introductory Level. Tests provide an introduction to the discipline of Western Dressage; the horse performs only at the gaits of walk and jog. The rider may sit or post the jog. The rider should demonstrate correct basic position, use of basic aids, and understanding of the figures. The horse should show relaxation and harmony between horse and rider is important. The horse accepts the aids and influence of the rider. The jog should be a natural gait within the horse’s scope and should demonstrate a swinging back. To be eligible for Intro Level, a horse/rider combination must not have shown in a Western Dressage Test at First Level or above in the same competition year.

A standard rule change is in process to make this addition permanent. If approved, it will go into effect in 2023.

Any questions regarding this Presidential Modification should be directed to Nicole Zerbee, National Breeds & Non-FEI Disciplines Operations Manager, at [email protected].

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Disciplines: Western Dressage