Lake St. Louis, Mo. – The American Shetland Pony Club (ASPC) hosted their 73rd annual national championship, the ASPC National Congress, from July 29 through August 3, drawing a hundreds of the country’s top American Shetland ponies to the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis, Mo. Congress is the ASPC’s longest running show, showcasing the best of the American Shetland pony breed in the Classic, Foundation, Modern, and Modern Pleasure sections as they vied for national championship titles in everything from leadline to roadster stake classes.

ASPC members look forward not only to the competition at Congress, but also to the camaraderie and fundraising opportunities, including the annual “Pony Toss” game and a raffle in which the drawn ticket won a Shetland pony generously donated by an ASPC member.
At the conclusion of Congress, youth and amateur competitors gathered in center ring for the high-point awards ceremony. Grand champions and reserve grand champions in each division for the Classic, Foundation, Modern, and Modern Pleasure Shetland ponies were awarded trophies and a halter bag or cooler.
Find all classes from the ASPC National Congress on-demand with the USEF Network.
The American Shetland Pony Club, Inc. is a recognized affiliate of US Equestrian. Keep up with the Shetland pony all year long by following ASPC on Facebook.
Find out more about Shetland ponies and all of US Equestrian’s 29 recognized breeds and disciplines in this Learning Center video. Join the conversation and follow US Equestrian on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use #JoinTheJoy.
Photo by: Casey McBride