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Update to COVID-19 Action Plan for USEF-Licensed Competitions Regarding Quarantine Following Virus Exposure

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 8, 2020, 6:04 PM

US Equestrian remains committed to efforts that mitigate the risk of COVID-19 virus transmission and keep our members and competition participants as safe as possible. To remain aligned with public health authorities in these efforts, we have updated the USEF COVID-19 Action Plan for USEF-Licensed Competitions to reflect the most recent CDC guidance related to quarantine protocols following COVID-19 exposure.

Exposure is considered close contact with a COVID-19-infected individual (exhibiting symptoms or confirmed by a positive test result) within a distance of six feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more. This exposure results in the need to quarantine.

It is important to note that, due to the virus’ incubation period, the CDC still recommends a quarantine period of 14 days. However, it is recognized that a shorter quarantine time may balance significant societal personal burdens against the progressive smaller possibility of spreading the virus over time following exposure. Therefore, effective immediately, USEF is adopting the CDC’s following options to shorten the quarantine time after exposure.

An individual exposed to COVID-19 through close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to be infected may discontinue quarantine (and therefore gain access to a competition venue):

  • After Day 10, following close contact (exposure) without testing if no COVID-19 symptoms are present, or;
  • After Day 7, if no COVID-19 symptoms are present and after receiving a negative COVID-19 test result (testing must occur on Day 5 or later after exposure)

After discontinuing quarantine, all individuals should:

  • Monitor for symptoms for 14 days after exposure
  • Immediately self-isolate if symptoms develop and contact a personal healthcare provider or public health authority
  • Wear a face mask/face covering, maintain social distancing of at least six feet from others, and wash hands frequently

Check the CDC website for additional details related to quarantine times following virus exposure.

This most recent change relates to quarantine times associated with virus exposure only. It does not change the requirement for individuals who test positive for COVID-19. These individuals are still not allowed to access competition grounds, and they are required to isolate for a minimum of 10 days following the first onset of symptoms or receipt of a positive test result. Additionally, at the end of the 10 days, the individual must be fever-free for a 24-hour period without the use of fever-reducing medications before being allowed to be around others.

Please reference the updated USEF COVID-19 Action Plan for USEF-Licensed Competitions.