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Updates for Hosting Open Dressage Classes in 2023

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Aug 18, 2022, 9:10 AM

Attention Regular and Local competition organizers:
Please note that the below US Equestrian rule changes that involve hosting Open Dressage classes will go into effect for the 2023 competition year. These changes only affect dually USEF/USDF licensed dressage classes, not Western dressage classes. Only Regular and Local competitions will be impacted by these changes; Lite licensed competitions are not eligible to host Open Dressage classes.
The first notable change requires Regular and Local competitions that are hosting Open Dressage classes to run the classes first in the schedule. Secondly, horses competing in Open Dressage classes may not compete in any other division or classes on the same day and are subject to all DR Chapter rules from the time of their arrival until the end of the day on which they compete in the Open Dressage class(es).
Lastly, at a breed or multi-breed competition, if Open Dressage classes are being hosted with no other classes running at the same time, then a dual carded Dressage Technical Delegate/C2 Steward may be hired, and their attention will be dedicated solely to the Open Dressage classes until those classes are complete. If the Open Dressage classes are occurring at the same time as other division classes, then a Dressage Technical Delegate must be hired for the Open Dressage classes and a separate C2 Steward for the other classes.
For more information, review the approved DR119 and Dressage Technical Delegate/C2 Steward rule changes. For any questions, please contact [email protected].

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Disciplines: Dressage