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Updates from the 2022 USEF Mid-Year Board of Directors Meeting

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jul 6, 2022, 12:00 PM

Lexington, Ky. - At the recent 2022 USEF Mid-Year Board of Directors Meeting held on June 20 and 21, several important decisions were made that directly impact USEF members and their horses. Included below you will find a short summary of these actions with links to the full information regarding each topic.

USEF Project 21

In early 2022, USEF created a Technology Advisory Task Force and charged the members with identifying, analyzing, and recommending technology opportunities – both near and long-term - to better serve our members and increase efficiencies. Project 21 is an initiative focused on moving paper-based processes to online systems. USEF members are already able to experience more efficient services through the online systems and can complete many formerly paper-only transactions by using electronic signatures and readily available secure payment processes. Not only will this reduce the time it takes to complete your requests, but it will also save time and other resources, which can help to keep costs down for everyone.

USEF Lite Competition Program Amendments

The USEF Lite Competition Program was developed as a very accessible competition product for people who wished to “test drive” participating in USEF licensed competitions. This program provides access to equestrians who are interested in competing under the framework of organized equestrian sport, involving rules and policies that support the safety and welfare of equestrians and their horses and offer a fair and level playing field.

The rules governing the licensing of USEF Lite competitions will now be included in the USEF Rule Book, and organizers and competitors will continue to have the ability to operate and participate in these events at a reduced cost. To view more information about the USEF Lite Competition Program, please click here.

USEF Show Pass (Non-Member Fee)

In making amendments to the Show Pass program, the Board recognized the need to balance USEF’s efforts to provide introductory access to USEF competitions with our commitment to ensuring as safe an environment as possible for all participants. Additionally, the amendments will streamline the process by making it more accessible to members and reducing paperwork for competition secretaries and staff.

While several of the existing elements of the Show Pass program will remain in effect, there are several new elements that will become effective on December 1, 2022. Here are the key points you need to know:

  • Individuals who compete as a rider, driver, handler, or owner are limited to one Show Pass purchase annually; continued participation in USEF-licensed competitions will require a competing membership
  • Individuals who are participating in a USEF-licensed competition as a trainer or coach are not eligible for a Show Pass and must obtain a Senior Competing membership to participate. This does require them to be SafeSport trained.
  • Show Passes will transition to an online-only application that can be accessed from mobile devices
  • Purchase of a Show Pass is specific to the competition being entered and is completed in real-time, providing instant proof of eligibility
  • The Show Pass fee will continue to be credited toward an upgrade to a Competing membership

USEF Bylaw Amendments

Following a socialization period for feedback from members, the Board approved several Bylaw changes to accomplish the following:

  • Establish an Executive Committee, with limited authority to act on behalf of the Board between regularly scheduled board meetings
  • Dedicate one of the seven athlete seats on the Board to Para-Equestrian
  • Streamline the election process by allowing an elected Board member who is eligible for an additional term to stand for a vote of retention rather than proceed through the standard reelection process
  • Implement specific eligibility criteria for service to ensure that the Board of Directors is populated with individuals with the utmost integrity
  • Restructure the National Breeds and Disciplines Council to ensure more equitable representation across the breeds and disciplines

Rule Changes Approved by the Board

The Board approved several Extraordinary Rule Change Proposals that will go into effect September 1, 2022. These rules included the following:

  • Mandating that a rider whose chinstrap comes unfastened or who loses their headgear during a Jumper round, must refasten the chinstrap or must recover and securely replace their headgear or face elimination
  • A process for scoring inquiries and result protests and appeals in the discipline of driving

There were several rule change proposals, including many that involve a rewrite of the Eventing Chapter, that were referred to the July Board Meeting scheduled for July 25, 2022. Click here to view all the rule change proposals referred to the July Board meeting.

The Board also approved several standard rule changes across all breeds and disciplines that will go into effect on December 1, 2022, for the 2023 competition year.

Click here to view all rule changes approved at the 2022 Mid-Year Board Meeting