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US Equestrian Announces Additional CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced Level Competitions for 2023-2027

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 26, 2021, 3:00 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce two additional competitions approved by the USEF Board of Directors to host CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced level events during the 2023-2027 competition cycle under the new Eventing Calendar Process. The Florida Horse Park has been allocated the CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced levels on Week 16 and the Advanced level on Week 14.

The new process is designed to produce the most effective U.S. sporting calendar to properly develop and prepare High Performance horses and athletes to be competitive at international long-format competitions and Championships both in the U.S. and on the world stage.

All U.S. Organizers were invited to bid to host the CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced levels through a bid process. The approved bids met the criteria outlined in the 2023-2027 U.S. Eventing Calendar CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L & Advanced Policies & Procedures. The USEF Eventing Bid Review Group provided their recommendations to the USEF Eventing Sport Committee and USEF International Disciplines Council prior to Board approval.

In addition to levels awarded through the bid process, other FEI and National levels were approved to be offered at these competitions. The complete list of 2023-2027 dates and levels can be viewed on the U.S. Eventing Calendar.

While the bid selections are allocated through 2027, each organizer will be required to submit an annual license renewal to be reviewed through the USEF Competition Licensing process, which may include a competition evaluation. During the five-year cycle, each competition can be evaluated annually to ensure they continue to meet the standards expected for hosting the approved levels, and USEF can determine that deficiencies or other concerns may results in the disapproval of a license renewal or full removal from the competition calendar.

The USEF recognizes and thanks organizers of competitions at all levels – both FEI and National – for their contributions to the overall growth and commitment to the sport in the U.S.

Please refer to the U.S. Eventing Calendar Process webpage for information regarding the Eventing Calendar Process. Questions can be directed to [email protected].

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Disciplines: Eventing