Lexington, Ky. -- US Equestrian has announced the combinations selected for the FEI Endurance World Championship for Young Riders and Juniors will now compete as individuals on September 2 in Castelsagrat, France, due to a combination withdrawal. The U.S. will be led by Chef d’Equipe Lisanne Dorion with support from Dr. Olivia Rudolphi as veterinarian.
Fine Cut Gold, a 2011 Arabian mare owned by Valerie Kanavy and Wendy MacCoubrey, and ridden by Alex Shampoe (Colorado Springs, Colo.), has been withdrawn from the team after sustaining a minor injury in turnout. In the best interest of the horse’s welfare, Shampoe voluntarily removed herself from team selection to allow Fine Cut Gold the necessary time to recover.
“I was very excited to represent the U.S. with ‘Cut’ in France and, although this injury is minor, I knew it was in the best interest of Cut to remove ourselves from the competition," Shampoe said. "I look forward to riding Cut later this year and hoping to be considered for selection to the Pan American Endurance Championships Team in November."
The following combinations will represent U.S. Endurance as individuals and are listed in alphabetical order:

Avery Betz-Conway (Kingsland, Ga.) and RAS Istanbul, a 2011 Arabian gelding owned by Estanar S. A.
Meghan Wert (Spring Mills, Pa.) and Gilted Gold, a 2015 Anglo-Arabian mare owned by Valerie Kanavy
Competition Information
Learn more about the FEI Endurance World Championship for Young Riders & Juniors here.
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