Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the launch of a newly designed membership tier structure to be implemented during the 2022 membership renewal season, offering more access, and expanded opportunity to grow equestrian sport through increased engagement. The new membership tiering will not impact the current pricing structure of membership categories but will adjust benefits and access allocated to each individual tier.
The move to restructure the membership tiering aligns with the next phase of the strategic plan announced in January 2020 and the million-member goal set by current President Tom O’Mara. The new member tiering will include three categories: 1) fans; 2) subscribers; and 3) competing memberships, offering an array of opportunities for enthusiasts and participants in equestrian sport.
“The goal behind this restructure is to create a model that is enticing for new members to join USEF so we can continue to grow access and interest in our sport from the grass roots level all the way up through our high-performance programs,” said Tom O’Mara, President of US Equestrian. “With the updated tiering, we believe we will encourage individuals passionate about equestrian sport to join our organization as a fan at no cost or upgrade their membership to a subscriber level for $25 to experience increased benefits, with the ultimate goal of expanding the pool of competing members participating at our licensed competitions. We know there are millions of people in the U.S. with a passion for horses and want everyone to have an opportunity to be a part of US Equestrian."

The base fan experience is free and will allow individuals to learn about the benefits of USEF and sample offerings at no cost, encouraging interaction and connection with USEF on a free and ongoing basis. Fan members will have access to USEF Network livestreaming (not including On-Demand access), the Learning Center, the USEF Equestrian Weekly e-newsletter, and the Member Perks program. Fans will also automatically renew.
The subscriber tier of membership, available for $25 annually, will include exclusive on-demand and replay streaming on USEF Network, access to USEF Member Health Coverage options, and a mailed subscription of US Equestrian magazine while maintaining all exclusive benefits available to non-competing paying members, as well as access to the additional benefits offered at the fan membership level. Official Education Partners of USEF and their members will automatically be eligible for free Subscriber memberships.
The competing memberships will remain at an annual renewal fee of $80 and receive access to all US Equestrian benefits, including access to the membership health coverage options, as well as live and on-demand streaming via USEF Network, the Learning Center, Equestrian Weekly, Member Perks incentives, and the benefit of a working framework of to ensure fair and equal organized sport.
US Equestrian will launch the new tiers of membership at the beginning of the new competition year on December 1, 2021. To learn more about US Equestrian’s member benefits and programs, please visit www.usef.org/join.
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