Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce a new partnership with Ridely, the leading equestrian training app, and a MemberPerk providing a discount on Ridely Pro for US Equestrian members.
Ridely is both a training journal and an educational video library for equestrians. The digital journal functionality allows users to track training sessions, shoeing, competition results, and more. Upload photos and videos to track progress and create a training plan to achieve your goals.
Ridely’s educational video resource includes training videos for riders of all levels, and features top riders and trainers from the jumping, dressage, and eventing disciplines. Ridely PRO users have access to the full video library.
“We are delighted to partner with US Equestrian,” said Ingrid Sundqvist, CEO of Ridely. “Making training accessible and affordable to all riders at any level is something we feel very passionately about. With all the great tools that Ridely has, we can help each and every rider become better and to reach their goals.”
“I was that kid, growing up in a non-horsey family and not being able to afford top trainers and access to the equestrian stars,” said Nicole Graf, U.S. Country Manager of Ridely. “With Ridely, you can now learn from the world’s best for a small fraction of what a real lesson would cost! Whether you are a grass-roots level rider like I was, or you are more advanced in your training, Ridely has something for you.”
Ridely is available through the App Store and Google Play. US Equestrian members receive a 30% discount on Ridely PRO by using the code USEF30 when registering at pro.ridely.com.
“Ridely shares US Equestrian’s goal of making equestrian sports more accessible to all,” said Bill Moroney, CEO of US Equestrian. “We’re so pleased to partner with Ridely to connect our members with educational resources and training tools to achieve their equestrian goals.
Visit Ridely.com to learn more, and follow Ridely on Instagram and Facebook.