Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian has announced the launch of a limited-time promo code, valid through January 31, 2022, for renewing fan members interested in upgrading to the new subscriber tier of membership. The discount is available to redeem immediately with use of the promo code WelcomeSubscriber.

The discount code will reduce the annual fee for subscribers (formerly known as paid fan members) to only $10, a 60% discount from the annual renewal cost of $25.
For individuals who do not wish to take advantage of this limited time offer, existing free fan memberships will automatically transition to a fan account on 12/1/21.
The subscriber level of membership includes exclusive access to on-demand and replay streaming on USEF Network, as well as access to USEF member health coverage options, print subscriptions to US Equestrian magazine, along with additional membership benefits, as well as all benefits included in the fan membership tier.
Upgrade now and save!
Current Free Fan members:
- Visit members.usef.org to log into your member dashboard
- Select “Fan Membership” tile on your dashboard to upgrade/renew
- Select “Purchase a Subscriber Membership”
- Enter promo code WelcomeSubscriber and complete subscriber application
Lapsed Fan Members:
- Visit members.usef.org to log into your member dashboard
- Select “Join/Renew USEF Membership” tile on your dashboard to upgrade/renew
- If signing up before 12/1/21, select “Join as a Fan Member”
- If signing up after 12/1/21, select “Subscriber Membership”
- Enter promo code WelcomeSubscriber and complete the membership application
If joining/upgrading before 12/1/21, your membership will automatically be shifted to a subscriber membership on 12/1/21.
Current Paid Fan Members or Competing Members
This new membership tiering structure will not affect current paid fan members, nor competing members of US Equestrian. No action is needed from those in either of these membership categories.
The implementation of the new membership tiering structure will begin on December 1, 2021, and will not impact the current pricing structure of membership categories, but will adjust benefits and access allocated to each individual tier. The most notable change is fan members will no longer have free access to video on-demand content on USEF Network.
To learn more about US Equestrian’s member benefits and programs, please visit www.usef.org/join-usef.
Follow US Equestrian
To learn more about US Equestrian visit www.usef.org or follow US Equestrian on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.