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US Equestrian Opens Bid Process for Remaining Weeks of 2023-2027 Eventing Calendar

by U.S. Equestrian Communications Department | Feb 28, 2022, 2:59 PM

Lexington, Ky. - A bid process opens today, Monday, February 28, for the weeks identified below for the 2023-2027 U.S. Eventing Calendar for the CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L, and Advanced levels. The bid process will be conducted in accordance with the 2023-2027 U.S. Eventing Calendar CCI4*-L, CCI4*-S, CCI3*-L & Advanced Policies and Procedures. The weeks open for bidding have remained vacant on the calendar during the previous rounds of bidding with the exception of the Advanced level onWeek 18 in Area 3, is a newly vacated week on the calendar. The goal is to offer another opportunity to populate the calendar headed into 2023 and allow ample time for notification to non-bid competitions.

Week 7

  • One event to host the Advanced level in Area 6

Week 18

  • One event to host the CCI3*-L level in Area 5
  • One event to host the Advanced level in Area 3

Week 21

  • One event to host the Advanced level in Area 6

Week 23

  • One event to host a CCI4*-S and/or Advanced level in Area 6
  • One event to host a CCI4*-S and/or Advanced level in Area 7

Week 26

  • One event to host the Advanced level in Area 7

Week 28

  • One event to host the Advanced level in Area 2

The bid process will close on Monday, March 14, at 5 p.m. EST. Bid applications must be complete and received via email to [email protected] by the deadline in order to be reviewed. Bid applications will not be accepted for weeks that are not listed above. A complete Bid Application Packet must include:

1. A Bid Application – All requested information must be provided. An accompanying document for written answers is acceptable. Please be sure to include the question number.

2. Application for License Agreement

3. Map of the venue with a diagram layout of the event

4. Revenue and expense budget outline for the event, including known sponsorship

5. Optional: Letters of support or additional documentation

Organizers who have previously been allocated a bid are eligible to submit bid applications for additional dates. Please direct questions to [email protected] or Amber Braun, Director of Eventing, Sport Administration and Management, at [email protected].

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Disciplines: Eventing