Bostyn Leffler

Hometown: Zionsville, Ind. Sport/Disciplines: Saddleseat

  • What grade are you in?
    • Junior
  • School:
    • Zionsville Community High School
  • Activities involved in:
    • Outside of riding, I play hockey for 3 teams: Zionsville high school team, Indy Junior Fuel, and Team Indiana. I’m in my 9th year of 4-H and my projects are Horse/Pony, Veterinary Science and Photography. I work for a catering business and clean stalls at a few barns. I am involved in helping my mom with fostering rescue dogs and working on our farm.
  • Interests:
    • Most of my free time is spent working with my two project horses and gaining more knowledge about all things equine. I also enjoy helping teach younger riders at the barn. Recently I’ve been passionate about nutrition and overall wellness, which leads to plenty of time experimenting in the kitchen and working out. Any time left I spend reading and helping with our new puppy.
  • How long have you been riding?
    • 10 years
  • Your Horse’s name:
    • Soquilis Written in The Stars (Nova)
  • Favorite Horse:
    • Nova has a larger than life personality and will always be one of my favorites. Another favorite to watch and ride is Samur’s Covergirl. But my all-time favorite horse is my retired Arabian, Mae.
  • Your biggest Accomplishments:
    • Reserve World Champion 14 (2020) and 15 (2021) year old Saddle Seat Equitation
    • 2020 Youth National Champion Half-Arabian English Please JTR
    • 2021 Top 4 Senior Saddle Seat Equitation
  • Who influences you?
    • My mom, trainers, Kellie and Sarah, and my older sister Markie.
  • Favorite Quote
    • You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. - Wayne Gretzky
  • What being on the 2022 World Cup Team means to you:
    • Above all I enjoy riding horses that test my skills and teach me new ones. The World Cup team is true testament to a rider’s horsemanship and ability to adapt to change, something I continue to work to improve. Being chosen is an honor and a testament to my passion for the sport and my love of horses.