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Adaptable Skills from Hunter, Jumper, and Reining Disciplines Pay Off for Carlee McCutcheon

by Kathleen Landwehr | Aug 18, 2020, 11:05 AM EST

Fourteen-year-old Carlee McCutcheon of Aubrey, Texas, has had a string of impressive results in hunter and jumper classes as well as in reining. She comes from a family of champion equestrians: her parents, Tom and Mandy, brother Cade, and grandfather Tim McQuay all have won multiple FEI World Equestrian Games™ medals in reining, and McCutcheon is building a notable resume all her own. Carlee McCutcheon and MTM Unexpected compete in the $25,000 Hagyard Lexington Classic at the 2020...

From Therapeutic Riding to Para-Dressage Sport

by Glenye Cain Oakford | Aug 11, 2020, 3:26 PM EST

Bryanna Tanase has had a passion for horses since early childhood. Now 22, she made her first contact with horses in a therapeutic riding program in 2016 and decided three years later to make the challenging transition to the sport of para-dressage. In early 2020, she received her National Classification as a Grade I rider, which is the first step toward competition. She currently is based at Quantum Leap Farm in Odessa, Fla. We caught up with her to find out how she got involved in horses,...

All About Jumps: Q & A with Javan Dalman

by Glenye Cain Oakford | Jul 28, 2020, 10:27 AM EST

Javan Dalman with one of his creations. Photo: Kaitlyn Karsson Javan Dalman doesn’t just leap the obstacles in the jumper ring; he builds them, too. Dalman, a competitor in the low amateur jumpers, also is the founder of Dalman Jump Co., whose eye-catching designs can be found in show rings and equestrian facilities around the country. We caught up with him to find out more about caring for jumps so they last longer, new design and safety trends, and the process behind the company’s...

Commercial General Liability Horse Insurance: Who Needs It and Why?

by Markel Insurance | Jul 13, 2020, 3:00 PM EST

If you run a business involving horses, whether it is training and boarding, offering riding lessons, or performing Photo: Pretty Pixels Photography farrier work, you need commercial equine liability insurance as part of your insurance risk-management plan. Sometimes referred to as general liability or just liability, it is protection that covers you and/or your business in the event there is personal injury, bodily injury, or property damage to others by you, your horse, or the premises for...

How to Get Rid of Flies

by Glenye Cain Oakford | Jun 30, 2020, 4:13 PM EST

Are flies driving you and your horse to distraction? Luckily, keeping the fly population down in the barn and off your horse is relatively simple. House flies and stable flies are irritating and can carry disease. Photo: © mark kelly/EyeEm/ It’s important to control flies. According to Absorbine, the makers of UltraShield EX ® fly spray, biting flies drink four cups of horse blood every 10 days. And flies and other pests like mosquitoes and gnats aren’t only...

Why It's Safe To Fly NetJets During COVID-19

by NetJets Communications | Jun 30, 2020, 11:41 AM EST

As you probably know, it is inherently safer to fly private because of the lack of crowded airports and overflowing aircraft. At NetJets, we have responded to this pandemic by going to extreme lengths to ensure the safety of our Owners, passengers, and employees. To help offer you peace of mind in preparation for your upcoming travels, we want you to understand all we are doing to put safety first throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. “Is it safe to fly—how are you changing your...

Treating Cellulitis

by Glenye Cain Oakford | Jun 22, 2020, 3:00 PM EST

Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the soft connective tissues under the skin, causes sudden, extreme swelling in the affected area—often in a leg. Given the condition’s seemingly fast onset and dramatic appearance, horses and ponies with cellulitis—especially if they are lame or unwilling to move—can sometimes look like they have a severe injury, such as a bowed tendon or a fracture. So, before taking any action, call your veterinarian for a diagnosis, advises Dr....

For the Rider: Exercises for Back Health

by Dr. James Warson | Jun 16, 2020, 3:11 PM EST

Neurosurgeon and horseman Dr. James Warson, whose classic book “The Rider’s Pain-Free Back” has recently been revised and updated in a new printing by Trafalgar Press, is keenly aware of the equestrian’s need for a strong, supple, healthy back to do everything from tacking up and mucking out to competing successfully on horseback. Warson’s book describes the physics of movement and discusses how combining the human and equine backs during riding can create...

Letter from US Equestrian CEO Regarding Racism

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jun 9, 2020, 4:30 PM EST

Dear Equestrian Community, The protests and political unrest ignited by the murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis have dominated the news throughout the world and motivated hundreds of thousands – including many of our employees – to protest peacefully against racial injustice. This has been a difficult and emotional time, and we wanted to share with you the steps US Equestrian is taking to listen, learn, and do more. Last Tuesday, US Equestrian participated in...

Get Show-Ready with These Five Steps

by US Equestrian Communications | Jun 2, 2020, 9:00 AM EST

The best time to avoid last-minute headaches with your horse show entry is before you ever fill it out. With Photo: Sarah Bennett for Howard Schatzberg US Equestrian’s website,, it’s fast and easy to take care of pre-show business like renewing your US Equestrian membership and recording your horse for points, so you can focus on competing. Check these things off your list now and enjoy your show season! 1. Join or Renew Your US Equestrian Membership (and Take Required...