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Free Registration Open for 2021 US Equestrian Annual Meeting

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jan 6, 2021, 3:00 PM

Lexington, Ky. – Registration for the 2021 US Equestrian Annual Meeting is now open. The 2021 US Equestrian Annual Meeting will begin on Wednesday, January 13, and continue through Sunday, January 17, featuring daily meeting sessions and an exciting new virtual format for the USEF Pegasus Awards and Horse of the Year Awards Celebration presented by Alliant on Saturday, January 16, at 7:30 p.m. Registration for all 2021 US Equestrian Annual Meeting sessions is free. Individual registration...

US Equestrian and World Equestrian Center Ocala Issue a Joint Statement

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 30, 2020, 4:58 PM

The United States Equestrian Federation (“USEF”) and World Equestrian Center Ocala (“WEC”) are pleased to announce that they have agreed to work together on a plan for WEC to host USEF sanctioned competitions in the future. USEF and WEC agree that it is in the best interest of the sport for them to work collaboratively. Formulating this plan will require some time for both USEF and WEC to meet and consider what is best for equestrian sport and all of its stakeholders,...

USEF COVID-19 Action Plan: Thank You and a Look Ahead to 2021

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 28, 2020, 1:45 PM

As 2020 comes to a close, US Equestrian extends our sincere appreciation to all of our competition participants, officials, and organizers for their unwavering commitment to following the USEF COVID-19 Action Plan . We have all experienced a tremendous amount of disruption and change to our daily lives this year. The efforts each and every one of you have made to wear face coverings, socially distance, and frequently wash your hands and avoid indoor social gatherings have been paramount to...

US Equestrian Launches New Endurance Lite Competition Format

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 23, 2020, 1:50 PM

Lexington, Ky. - US Equestrian is pleased to announce the launch of USEF Endurance Competition Lite. The USEF Endurance Lite program was created as a stepping stone for athletes and competition organizers in the transition to USEF national licensed competitions and will welcome more participants into the sport of endurance at a national level. The program made its debut at the Greenway Gallivant in Dunnellon, Florida, December 19-21, 2020. The introduction of the USEF Endurance Lite competition...

USEF and USDF Announce Young Horse Emerging Program Member List

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 23, 2020, 8:54 AM

Lexington, Ky. - With the conclusion of the 2020 competition year, US Equestrian and the United States Dressage Federation have announced the first USEF/USDF Young Horse Emerging Program member list. Athletes selected for the program will meet with Christine Traurig, USEF Dressage Young Horse Coach, to discuss their goals for the coming year and receive one-on-one training and educational program opportunities to help assist them in achieving their goals. “With the 2028 Olympic Games in...

FEI Warning Regarding Contaminated Batches of Feed - Caffeine

by FEI Communications Department | Dec 21, 2020, 11:13 AM

The FEI would like to warn the equestrian community that some batches of Marstall feed containing apple pomace were contaminated with caffeine, a Controlled Medication and Specified Substance on the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List. Bernhard Kreiling GmbH, the manufacturer of Marstall, identified apple pomace, an ingredient in the feed, to be the source of contamination. Measures have been taken by Bernhard Kreiling GmbH to prevent further contamination with caffeine and other substances...

USEF Dressage Announces Updated Elite, Pre-Elite, and Development Member Lists

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 18, 2020, 3:50 PM

Lexington, Ky. – Following the conclusion of the final CDI of the 2020 calendar year, US Equestrian is pleased to announce updats to the U.S. Dressage Elite, Pre-Elite, and Development lists. The USEF Dressage elite and development programs aim to identify and support athletes who have the potential to represent the U.S. in international competition. Elite & Pre-Elite Lists As a result of the competition calendar for 2020 being substantially reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and...

US Equestrian to Recognize Sally Ike with 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award and Lucy Enns as 2020 Junior Equestrian of the Year

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 18, 2020, 1:20 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Junior Equestrian of the Year Award to be presented at the virtual 2021 US Equestrian Annual Meeting . Sally Ike is the winner of the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award, while Lucy Enns is the 2020 Junior Equestrian of the Year. Ike and Enns, along with other prestigious award winners, will be recognized at the virtual 2020 USEF Pegasus and Horse of the Year Awards Celebration on...

US Equestrian Announces Enhanced Format of USEF Horsemastership Training Series and First Session Dates

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 18, 2020, 1:02 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the launch of a re-envisioned USEF Horsemastership Training Series and will host the first session of the year at Equestrian Village, the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival grounds, in Wellington, Fla from January 14-17. The USEF Horsemastership Training Series will take on an enhanced format structure in 2021, offering both in-person and online instruction with selected participants throughout the duration of the year. The USEF...

US Equestrian Announces 2020 Horses of the Year and Equestrian of the Year Nominees, Voting Now Open for Members

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Dec 16, 2020, 3:59 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the 2020 Horses of Year and Equestrian of the Year nominees, each recognized for their outstanding efforts during the 2020 competition season. Both the Horse of the Year and Equestrian of the Year award winners will be announced during the Pegasus Awards & Horse of the Year Awards virtual celebration on Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. hosted by President-elect Tom O’Mara. The winners of both awards will be determined...