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2008 Olympic Equestrian Events Moved to Hong Kong

by By Hong Kongs Information Services Department | Jul 8, 2005, 9:10 AM (The city of Hong Kong, China. ) The Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr. Patrick Ho, welcomed the International Olympic Committee's decision to name Hong Kong as the venue for the equestrian events at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The announcement came on June 8. Dr. Ho also thanked the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) for its confidence in Hong Kong. "I believe that Hong Kong people are taking a favorable and positive view towards this...

Junior Dressage Riders: Want to Compete at Devon?

by By Jennifer Keeler | Jul 7, 2005, 11:11 AM

As a reminder to all junior dressage riders, the 2005 USEF Junior Dressage Team Championship, sponsored by Collecting Gaits Farm, the Dutta Corporation and Performance Sales International will be held at Dressage at Devon, September 27-October 2. In order to be eligible for this championship program, an Application of Intent must be submitted to the USEF office by Monday, August 1. Applications are available on . For more information, contact Jennifer Keeler, Sport Manager--Dressage,...

Nominations Are In for the 2005 USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage National Championships

by By Jennifer Keeler | Jul 7, 2005, 10:53 AM

The 2005 USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage National Championships will be held September 9-11 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY, to showcase the brightest new equine dressage stars. The application process for all young horses closed July 1, with a record number of nominations in both the five-year-old division (36) and the six-year-old division (24). Scores must be earned and submitted to USEF by August 8. The complete nomination list is now posted on the USEF/Markel Young Horse...

USET Foundation Announces Launch of New Website at

by By Phelps Media Group | Jul 7, 2005, 10:47 AM

The United States Equestrian Team (USET) Foundation today announced the launch of their newly designed website at . The new site offers the latest and most up-to-date news on all USET Foundation-related activities, a calendar of events, an extensive photo gallery and information about the foundation and its trustees and staff. There is a history of the USET and its home base at historic Hamilton Farm. In addition, there is a link directory and complete information on contributing...

CN North American Young Riders’ Championships, Presented by Adequan, To Feature Vaulting Demonstrations

by By Classic Communications | Jul 7, 2005, 10:20 AM

The CN North American Young Riders’ Championships (NAYRC), presented by Adequan, will host vaulting demonstrations at the 2005 competition, which takes place July 26-31 at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, VA. Founded in 1995 by Priscilla G. Faulkner, the Friendship Vaulting Team is the ambassador program for the AVA promoting vaulting as an exciting equestrian sport throughout the United States. Providing a live vaulting demonstration at the 2005 NAYRC, the Friendship Team will perform...

It's London!

by Sarah Evers | Jul 7, 2005, 9:51 AM

Courtesy (Historic Greenwich Park will host the equestrian events in 2012.) International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge has announced that London will host the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The news was greeted with huge cheers as thousands of people packed into Trafalgar Square to watch the result live on giant video screens. Heather Small kick-started the party with a live performance of the bid anthem "Proud," backed by singers from London community...

Breeders and Owners of Saddlebreds Asked to Assist in Lordosis Research

by By Reeves Kirtner, ASHA | Jul 7, 2005, 9:39 AM

The American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) is asking breeders to assist in its ongoing research to find the genetic cause of lordosis. ASHA has been funding this research since 2003. Dr. Patrick Gallagher, of PCG Equine Research, was selected by the Association's board of directors to perform the research. To further the research, hair samples of American Saddlebreds with lordosis are needed to look at the DNA basis of the trait. Also, for those who want to make a generous contribution,...

USEF Realigns Sports Program Administration

by gaillardm | Jul 6, 2005, 5:19 PM

(Lexington, KY) -- The United States Equestrian Federation announced today that it is implementing an organizational realignment that divides the Federation's activities into two primary areas - sport programs and business administration/governance. The organizational realignment of sports programs will better integrate staff assignments for both national and high performance programs. The management of the International Department in the Lexington, Kentucky office will be eliminated,...

WBFSH World Champions Crowned: Winners Florencio and Damon Hill Lead from the Start; American Horse Currency DC Finishes Eleventh

by By WBFSH and USEF | Jul 6, 2005, 11:00 AM

The Westfalian-bred stallions Damon Hill and Florencio won the World Breeding Federation Sport Horses (WBFSH) World Championships for young dressage horses, held July 1-3 in Verden, Germany. Five-year-old Damon Hill (Donnerhall x Rubinstein), ridden by Helen Langehanenberg, scored a 9.02 in the finals, just ahead of half-brother Donnerball (Donnerhall x Alabaster) and FBW Dejavu (Dacaprio x Glueckspilz). In the six-year-old division, last year's five-year-old champion Florencio (Florestan x...

The American Hanoverian Society Announces 2005 Summer and Fall Inspection Tours

by By the American Hanoverian Society | Jul 6, 2005, 10:48 AM

The American Hanoverian Society (AHS) 2005 Inspection Tour itinerary includes visits to 31 sites throughout the United States and the Canadian province of Ontario. Two inspection teams, consisting of members from both the AHS Mare and Stallion Committee and representatives of the German Hanoverian Verband, will make their way across the country inspecting eligible mares and stallions for inclusion in the Hanoverian breeding program, as well as registering and evaluating this year's foal crop....