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USEF Announces Team for the 2004 World Singles Driving Championship

by Ben Sledge | May 26, 2004, 12:00 AM

The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) today announced the team for the 2004 World Singles Driving Championship in Astorp, Sweden in July 22-25. The team is as follows: Driver Age Hometown Horse Age & Breed Fred Merriam 54 Newfane, Vermont Gaitwood Lightwing Age 9, Morgan Scott Monroe 51 Sharon, Connecticut Bethesda After Dark Age 10, Morgan Scott Padgett 27 Southern Pines, North Carolina Collector’s Right Stuff Age 13, Morgan Alternate team member Driver Age Hometown Horse...

Unprecedented Dual World Cup Finals Awarded to Las Vegas in 2005 Two of World’s Most Prestigious and Glamorous Equine Events Will Crown 2005 World Cup Champions in Show Jumping and Dressage

by Ben Sledge | May 22, 2004, 12:00 AM

Two of the world’s most prestigious and glamorous equine events are coming to the United States in 2005! For the first time ever in international competition, two World Cup Championship events will be held concurrently in one location, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 20-24, 2005. The 2005 World Cup Champions in both jumping and dressage will be crowned in Las Vegas. Following its previous hosting of two World Cup Jumping finals, the highly-acclaimed Budweiser World Cups in 2000 and 2003, Las Vegas...