USEF Safe Sport Quality Control System for Competition Managers

Safe Sport Quality Control System for Competitions

USEF Safe Sport Posters and Digital Ads

To each be posted at the competition:

  1. MAAP Awareness Poster - English
  2. MAAP Awareness Poster - Spanish
  3. Safe Sport Awareness and Resources Poster - English
  4. Safe Sport Awareness and Resources Poster - Spanish

To each be used on competition websites (300x250 GIFs):

  1. Safe Sport Awareness and Resources Digital Ad

Prize-List Ad

In addition to the required US Equestrian Federation page, the following optional prize-list ad can be used in USEF-licensed event prize lists.

Additional Communication to Competitors

Competition managers are encouraged to email the following USEF Safe Sport requirements message to all competitors:

Downloadable US Equestrian Safe Sport PSA video ads:

  • MAAPP Awareness PSA
    16x99x16, 4x5
  • USEF Safe Sport Message from President Tom O'Mara (full version)
    16x9, 9x16, 4x5
  • USEF Safe Sport Message from President Tom O'Mara (short version)
    16x9, 9x16, 4x5


Competition managers should now include the following reminder in all competition prize lists:  

All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found at


Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Resources

USEF Safe Sport Policy

This USEF Safe Sport Policy contains information regarding misconduct in sport.

USEF Safe Sport Policy - Spanish Translation

USEF's Safe Sport Policy, translated in Spanish for our membership.

MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies)

Recognizing, Reducing, and Responding to Abuse in Sport

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) - Spanish Translation

USEF's Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP), translated in Spanish for our membership.

SafeSport Training FAQ for Competition Managers, Secretaries, and Officials

US Equestrian is committed to creating and maintaining and educating and informing an equestrian community free of all forms of emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct. Protecting athletes and fostering an environment where existing participants and newcomers alike feel safe is of the utmost importance. The USEF Safe Sport Policy and U.S. Center for SafeSport Code were designed to, and aim at, protecting all participants in our sport. USEF stands behind these policies to protect the athletes of equestrian sport, not just because a law requires it, but because every member has a responsibility to protect those who have chosen horses as their passion.

MAAP Awareness Poster

Digital poster providing education and awareness about the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies

MAAPP Awareness Poster - Spanish

Digital poster providing education and awareness about the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies - Spanish

USEF Safe Sport Quality Control System

USEF Safe Sport Quality Control System for Competition Managers

CA - Sample CANRA Compliance Acknowledgment Letter

Sample Acknowledgement letter for CANRA

Safe Sport Awareness and Resources Poster - English

To be posted at the competition.