O.C. Equestrian Vaulting is found in Newport Beach, California. Their mission is to share the joy of horses and equestrian vaulting with their local youth and urban community. Through the sport of vaulting and innovative equine programs, they strive to promote strong character, teamwork, service and work ethic.

OC Vaulting fills gaps in services, and programming, in the horse industry for under- represented and under-served groups by increasing accessibility and affordability, on a daily basis. In addition to increasing accessibility, we increase affordability.

As the only truly “team” equestrian sport, Equestrian Vaulting is indeed unique in its ability to truly embrace teamwork. The fact that everyone shares in the work, and expense enables us to provide more equine
experiences, more affordably. Furthermore, their club is wholly run by volunteers, which enables them to offer more experiences, to more kids, for substantially less that the what “regular” urban riding schools are able.

OC Vaulting provides multiple free exhibitions, demonstrations, Vaulting “Try-It’s”, horsemanship, equine safety, barn tours as well as classes for local scouts, 4-H, local City “Parks & Recreation” and other local, underprivileged youth groups. Their ability to offer extremely inexpensive, or even free, programming is a vital component to including and serving all socially, racially, economically underserved communities. Our low cost and free programming are made possible by generous donations of time from our wonderful volunteers,
every day.

Learn more at www.ocvaulting.com and follow O.C. Equestrian Vaulting on Facebook, and Instagram.