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Unwanted Horse Coalition Folded into American Horse Council

by By the American Horse Council | Jul 13, 2006, 10:22 AM

The Unwanted Horse Coalition, which started as the Unwanted Horse Summit during the American Horse Council’s annual convention in April, 2005, is being folded into the American Horse Council (AHC), announced Nick Nicholson, AHC Chairman. “The issue of ‘unwanted horses’ has faced this industry for some time,” said Nicholson, President of Keeneland Association. “It is an important and challenging national issue that faces all breeds and all activities in the horse world. Putting this initiative...

American Morgan Horse Association Moves Forward With Phase I Expansion of the Kentucky Horse Park

by By the American Morgan Horse Association | Jul 13, 2006, 10:18 AM

The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) Board of Directors recently approved expenditures of up to $25,000 for an expansion of the Morgan horse exhibit at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY. This is considered Phase I in the mission to increase the size of the Morgan display at the Park from 400 square feet to approximately 800 square feet. AMHA is currently working on a development timeline in order to complete this expansion prior to the 2010 Alltech FEI Games. AMHA will work...

Farnam to Feature Brentina and Debbie McDonald on the New Package of Platform™ Treats

by By Carrie Foote | Jul 13, 2006, 9:17 AM

Following the spirit of the Wheaties® package which recognizes outstanding athletic achievements and personal championships, Farnam salutes Brentina, the inaugural Farnam®/Platform™ • USEF Horse of the Year, and her rider Debbie McDonald, with their photograph on the new package of Platform Treats. Brentina was selected by the United States Equestrian Federation Members, media and the USEF Board of Directors for the prestigious Horse of the Year honor – the first time one horse has been...

70th Annual Lexington Junior League Horse Show Underway

by By the Lexington Junior League | Jul 13, 2006, 2:41 AM

David Stephenson/Lexington Herald-Leader (Belle Owen and Show Biz Time waited to take to the show ring in the three-gaited junior exhibitor 14 and under class during the first night of the 70th Annual Lexington Junior League Horse Show.) The Junior League of Lexington is celebrating it's 70th annual Lexington Junior League Horse Show, which runs July 10-15, 2006, at the Red Mile Race Track in Lexington, KY. The Lexington Junior League Horse Show is the first leg of the American Saddlebred...

Team Freedom Brings Home the Gold at the 2006 USEF National Junior Dressage Team Championship

by Jeannie Putney | Jul 10, 2006, 4:28 AM

Lexington For its 10th anniversary, the 2006 USEF National Junior Dressage Team Championship returned to the West Coast for another exciting showcase of some of America’s most talented young dressage riders, hosted by Pebble Beach Dressage and CDI*** in Pebble Beach, California, July 6-9, 2006. This Championship is sponsored by Collecting Gaits Farm, the Dutta Corporation and Performance Sales International. Three teams of four riders, ages 14 to 18, from all across the country, competed over...

WEG Teammates Take Top Honors on Opening Day of 29th Annual I Love New York Horse Show

by By Classic Communications | Jul 6, 2006, 3:32 PM

FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG) teammates McLain Ward of Brewster, NY, and Margie Engle of Wellington, FL, took the two featured classes on opening day of the 29th Annual I Love New York Horse Show. Ward, a Team Gold medalist at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, topped a huge field of 83 horses, riding Galant to victory in the WPTZ-TV News Channel 5 1.35m Jump-off. Riding fourth in the order at the North Elba Showgrounds, the 30-year-old Ward set the early mark to beat when he rode clean and then...

Olympic Gold Medalist Chris Kappler Opens Blainville International with a Win

by By Phelps Equestrian Sports Network | Jul 6, 2006, 3:23 PM

Chris Kappler of the United States opened the CSI-W Blainville Jumping International with a win on Wednesday, July 5. The international show jumping competition runs from July 5-9 at the Blainville Equestrian Park in Blainville, Quebec. Despite some wet footing in the grass grand prix field, 18 horse-and-rider combinations took advantage of the opportunity to jump the track set by one of the most revered course designers in the world, Conrad Homfeld. Both Kappler and Homfeld are Olympic Team...

Kentucky and Kentucky Amateur Futurity Weanling Eligibility Deadlines Pending

by By Matthew Williams | Jul 6, 2006, 2:45 PM

In order to show in the weanling division of the Kentucky and Kentucky Amateur Futurity, 2006 foals must be conditionally registered on or before the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show post-entry closing date of Monday, July 10; blood typing or DNA results must be received in the Registry office on or before Friday, August 18. All horses, including American Saddlebred Registry Futurity entries, must be entered properly on printed entry forms furnished by the Kentucky State Fair....

USHJA Announces the Creation of the USHJA Foundation Awards

by By Whitney Allen | Jul 6, 2006, 2:35 PM

The United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) is proud to announce the USHJA Foundation Awards coming in 2007. The Foundation Awards were named to express what this program is for--the foundation of recognized competition. It was created to recognize the accomplishments of the grassroots equestrians and to promote the B- and C-level competitions. Awards will be presented to the top eight winners in the following divisions in each Zone: First Year Green Second Year Green Regular Working...

2007 National Youth Horse Leader’s Symposium Coming to Denver

by By Cindy Schonholtz | Jul 6, 2006, 12:58 PM

The 30th Annual National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium, presented by the American Youth Horse Council (AYHC), will be held on March 9-11, 2007, in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver, CO. The 2007 event will boast more than two-dozen internationally and nationally respected presenters assembled to share their keys to successful youth horse programming and horse management. Attendees will find resources, referrals and networking to improve their ability to help kids connect...