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Horse Owners Should Be Aware of Fire Risk of Recalled Fans

by By Sarah L. Evers | Apr 27, 2006, 11:43 AM

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm called Lasko, announced a voluntary recall of the certain box and pivoting floor fans that may have a faulty motor that can cause a barn or house fire. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. For more information, visit . ~~~

1996 Olympic Team Veteran Mara Dean Leads the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event on Day One

by By Brian Sosby | Apr 27, 2006, 6:41 AM

Mara Dean on Nicki Henley during the dressage phase of the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event presented by Farnam. (Marc Manning) If there was one thing that stood out the first day of the 2006 Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event presented by Farnam – other than the international-level competitors and their beautiful mounts – it was the abundance of blue skies and sunshine that surprised even veteran Rolex attendees. Legions of fans of eventing came from around the world to watch the highest...

United States FEI World Cup Jumping Squad Scratches West Coast Horse

by By Phelps Media Group | Apr 26, 2006, 10:54 AM

The already reduced United States squad for the FEI World Cup Final of Jumping, being held in Asia for the first time, scratched the West Coast horse Mc Guinness, who was running a fever Wednesday. Ten U.S. riders, seven from the East Coast and three from the West Coast, were selected to compete against 40 other riders from 22 countries in the 28th annual indoor riding championships. However, before the competition began, McLain Ward of Brewster, NY and Jimmy Torano of Ft. Lauderdale, FL,...

Report from Amsterdam – Riders Prepare for Saturday’s Freestyle with Soundcheck in Europahal on Friday

by By Phelps Media Group | Apr 21, 2006, 12:59 PM

Jan Gyllensten (Arlene ‘Tuny’ Page and Wild One.) The 18 horses and riders participating in the FEI Dressage World Cup Final in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (April 20-23), had a “day off” today (Friday), following Thursday’s Grand Prix and prior to Saturday’s FEI Dressage World Cup Final Grand Prix Freestyle to music, which will decide the winner. Riders were allowed to use the Europahal of the Amsterdam RAI this morning for 90 minutes, with each rider scheduled for a solo...

Junior Dressage Riders: There’s No Place Like Pebble Beach

by By Jennifer Keeler | Apr 20, 2006, 11:56 AM

As a reminder to all Junior Dressage riders, the 2006 USEF Junior Dressage Team Championship, sponsored by Collecting Gaits Farm, the Dutta Corporation and Performance Sales International, will be held at Pebble Beach Dressage and CDI***, July 6–9. In order to be eligible for this championship program, an Application of Intent must be submitted to the USEF office by Monday, May 15. Applications are available on the Federation website at www.usef....

Colorado Horse Park Spring Two-Star Event Postponed

by By Christine DeHerrera | Apr 20, 2006, 11:54 AM

The Colorado Horse Park Two-Star Three-Day Event has been postponed. The event, usually held over the Memorial Day weekend holiday, typically draws several hundred horses and riders from beginner novice to Olympic medalists. Yet, even with its success, the volunteer Eventing Committee recommended postponement of the event in order to upgrade the footing, update the course and to find funding to make these improvements. Ideally, enough enhancements can be made to hold the Fall Horse Trials,...

Find Saddlebred Stables Online at

by By Reeves Kirtner | Apr 20, 2006, 11:30 AM has a new and valuable feature titled, “Saddle Up a Saddlebred,” which allows anyone interested in seeing, riding or learning more about Saddlebreds to enter their zip code and find a number of stables within a 300-mile radius. It can be accessed by going to and clicking on “About the Breed,” and then going to “Stable Search,” or type in . Right now, there are approximately 400 Saddlebred farms and stables in the database...

Appaloosa Horse Club Announces Inaugural National Championship Endurance Ride

by By Jill Williams | Apr 20, 2006, 11:17 AM

The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) is proud to announce its inaugural 50-mile National Championship Endurance Ride, scheduled for June 3, 2006, in Palmyra, WI. The event is being hosted by and held in conjunction with an Appaloosa Distance Riding Association (ApDRA) ride, and will follow the guidelines and rules set forth by the American Endurance Ride Conference. Horses and riders have until May 30, 2006, to qualify. Youth riders 16 and under as of January 1, 2006, do not need to qualify for the...

Impact of Equine Activities on Youth Research Published

by By Cindy Schonholtz | Apr 20, 2006, 11:11 AM

The American Youth Horse Council (AYHC) has partnered with Pennsylvania State University to conduct research that quantifies what we already know: Kids + Horses = Magic! One of the strategic goals of the AYHC is to validate the measurable impact of equine activities on youth development. There have been few scientific studies conducted that measure the impact of horse activities on horsemanship and life skills development. AYHC and Penn State teamed up with the National High School Rodeo...

Lists of Qualified Riders and Horses for the American Eventing Championships Posted Online

by By Amy Daum | Apr 20, 2006, 10:12 AM

The complete lists of the 2006 American Eventing Championships qualified horses and riders, at every level, can now be found on the USEA website at . Just click on the AEC logo on the homepage, and go to 2006 Qualified Horses or 2006 Qualified Riders. Please note that the list is not absolutely current. Results from each event need to be sent to the USEA, and entered into the database, which can result in a lag of up to several weeks. So, if you competed recently and don’t...