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2006 American Morgan Horse Association Convention a Success

by By Christina Koliander | Feb 23, 2006, 9:49 AM

The annual convention of the American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) was a resounding success. More than 300 Morgan enthusiasts enjoyed the week-long event held in Lexington, KY, February 15-18. The week was filled with exciting demonstrations and interesting seminars, as well as the AMHA Board of Directors quarterly meeting. The annual stallion service auction, which had more than 70 stallions, brought in nearly $140,000, which will be split between the Association's ten regional shows, the...

Ohio Limited Breeders Auction for Saddlebreds Set for February 25

by By Reeves Kirtner | Feb 23, 2006, 9:44 AM

The Ohio Limited Breeders Stallion Service Auction will take place Saturday, February 25, at the Springfield-Clark County Ohio Equine Facility, near Springfield, OH. The doors will open at 5:15 p.m. with dinner at 5:30 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $15.00 per person, with tickets available at the door. Reservations would be appreciated by calling Claire Messerly at (740) 654-1101. Following the dinner, American Saddlebred Horse Association President Fred Sarver will address the audience on...

New ASHA Board Seated; Registry Directors, Nominating Committee Elected

by By Reeves Kirtner | Feb 23, 2006, 9:39 AM

The American Saddlebred Horse Association’s (ASHA) 2006 Saddlebred Summit and Annual Meeting business concluded on February 18 prior to a sold-out Saddlebred Ball, with the first meeting of the newly elected board of directors. The board seated the following new directors-elect, who began three-year terms of service: William Blacklaw of Oregon, Louise Gilliland of Oklahoma and Jim Ruwoldt of Georgia. Returning directors elected to begin another three-year term are Mary Anne Cronan of Kentucky,...

Sharn Wordley and Mr. Flanagan Put the Pressure on to Win the $25,000 Grand Prix at HITS Arizona

by By Mary Creech | Feb 17, 2006, 1:24 PM

By Mary Creech Brandie Holloway and S&L So Be It, the winners of last week's $25,000 HITS Grand Prix, were the first to attempt the jump-off course. Holloway left all the rails up, stopping the timers in 37.87 seconds. A time that would end up giving her second place. Monica Rahman rode Cyrano to chase Holloway's time. They also posted a clear round, but a second shy with 38.85 seconds left them in third place. Next to go was Sharn Wordley aboard Mr. Flanagan. The pair took second place in last...

Half-Arabian Wins Top Honors in AHA High-Point Award; TBR Granite Chief+/ Earns Distance Horse of the Year Award

by By Susan Bavaria | Feb 17, 2006, 11:26 AM

Bob Tarr (TCE Balastrana+++// with Mercy Burwell) TCE Balastrana+++// (TC Expression x Brooklynn), owned by Mercy Burwell of Brentwood, MO, ranked as the top horse among a field of more than 3,000 Arabians, Half-Arabians and Anglo-Arabians to become the 2005 Arabian Horse Association (AHA) High-Point Horse. To reach this pinnacle, the mare accumulated 388 points in Horse Achievement Awards (HAA), the Association's premier rewards program for actively competing horses. The Arabian horse...

Paso Fino Horse Association Implements Membership Fee Change

by By Sarah Holt | Feb 17, 2006, 11:12 AM

Membership fees for the Paso Fino Horse Association changed as of January 1, 2006, and now includes a subscription to Paso Fino Horse World . The individual membership fee is now $55 per year, and the family membership is $75; junior membership is $35. For a complete listing of membership rates, visit . ~~~

Attention Dressage Competition Managers

by By Jennifer Keeler | Feb 17, 2006, 10:52 AM

Please remember that the FEI has issued new Junior Tests (Preliminary, Team and Individual) which have been in effect since January 1, 2006. Previous test editions may not be used, and competitions which continue to use outdated versions will be subject to penalty, and competitors’ scores may not count towards qualifications. All FEI score sheets are now available for free download from the FEI website at . ~~~

Attention USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage Program Competitors

by By Jennifer Keeler | Feb 17, 2006, 10:44 AM

The United States Equestrian Federation is excited to announce the appointment of Scott Hassler of Colora, MD, as the USEF National Young Horse Dressage Coach. Pursuant to this appointment, USEF will be immediately putting together two young horse training sessions in March--one in Wellington, FL, and another in Burbank, CA. Applications are now being accepted for four-, five-, six-, or seven-year-old young horses for this exciting training opportunity. Application deadline is Friday, March 3,...

American Saddlebred Horse Association and the American Saddlebred Registry Announces Year-End 2005 Results

by By Reeves Kirtner | Feb 17, 2006, 10:42 AM

The American Saddlebred Horse Association (AHSA) and American Saddlebred Registry, which conduct their annual meetings in Lexington, KY, this week, announced results for the year ending December 31, 2005. On a consolidated basis, net income for the two combined corporations doubled to $168,145 from year-ago figures, from $83,713. Combined revenues rose $174,464 or 10%, to $1,928,291 from $1,753,827, net of the Registry’s prize programs, which accounted for another $548,535 in gross revenues,...

American Horse Council 2006 National Issues Forum is Approaching

by By the American Horse Council | Feb 17, 2006, 10:34 AM

The American Horse Council (AHC) 2006 National Issues Forum (NIF) is right around the corner. It will be held in Washington, DC, April 3-5. The AHC NIF will be held at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capital Hill. To make room reservations, call (800) 228-3360 or (202) 737-1234 and ask for the American Horse Council rate of $219 per night. You can also make reservations online at and enter the internet code G-AHOC to get the AHC rate. The cut-off date for...