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Oldenburg Stallion Claim to Fame Now an Approved Stallion

by By Flying Colors Farm | Nov 9, 2005, 8:56 AM

Flying Colors Farm is proud to announce that Claim to Fame, its Pinto Oldenburg Stallion, is now lifetime approved for breeding with the Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International Registry and the American Warmblood Registry. Claim to Fame's first foals won him the "Best Get of Sire" title at the 2004 Upperville Colt and Horse Show in Virginia. They also held three of the top five placings at the 2004 International Hunter Futurity East Coast Finals and were in the top placings of the Sallie B....

ES Rapture R Sweeps Two Levels and Named Overall High Score Champion at USDF Region 1 Dressage Championships

by By Ken Falk | Nov 8, 2005, 11:11 AM

At the Virginia Dressage Association show, which included GAIG/USDF Region 1 Dressage Championships, at the Virginia Horse Center, October 21-22, ES Rapture R was named Overall High Score Champion with a score of 77.308, along with his many other honors. The 2001 Elite Hanoverian stallion also had the high score in Training Level and First Level at the show. He won Training Level with a score of 77.308 and First Level with a score of 71.176. It was his first time at First Level. Rapture R as...

American Warmblood Society Names 2004 Breeder of the Year

by By the American Warmblood Society | Nov 8, 2005, 10:18 AM

The American Warmblood Society (AWS) offers their congratulations to European Performance Horses, LLC--Sarah and Gerd Reuter, with special merit as the first Breeders of the Year to average in the Supreme rating with 80.808% with five or more offspring. (In 1997, the winners had three or more offspring.) The Reuters are outstanding AWS breeders and take advantage of the very best proven sport horse bloodlines in the world. Those bloodlines that were selected to live in their stable include...

Young Jumper Championship Invitational Takes Center Stage at the National Horse Show and Family Festival

by By Phelps Media Group | Nov 8, 2005, 4:44 AM

The National Horse Show and Family Festival returns to the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club, November 30-December 4, 2005. One of the featured events is the $80,000 Young Jumper Championship Invitational, showcasing the finest rising show jumping stars in the United States. The $80,000 Young Jumper Championships Invitational consists of three sections, one for horses five years of age, one for horses six years of age, and one for horses seven and eight years of age. Qualifying for the event took...

New FEI Registration Fee Required for Horses and Riders

by gaillardm | Nov 4, 2005, 3:42 PM

(Lexington, KY) As approved by the 2005 FEI General Assembly, an annual FEI registration is now mandatory for all riders and horses competing in FEI events. This would include the following disciplines: Dressage, Reining, Show Jumping, Driving, Endurance and Vaulting, Paraequestrian and Eventing. The fee requirement will take effect on January 1, 2006 and it is renewable annually. Fees are $15.00 for each horse and $15.00 per rider. This registration is in addition to acquiring a passport or...

Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available for the 2006 USEF Annual Meeting

by Sarah Evers | Nov 3, 2005, 2:23 PM

Are you looking for an opportunity to maximize your visibility and awareness to a community of equestrian leaders from across the country? Consider a sponsorship at the USEF Annual Meeting, January 11-15. As a sponsor, you can interact with hundreds of active equestrians and industry movers/shakers, all in a festive and comfortable setting as the leaders and athletes of our sport convene this year in Cincinnati, Ohio. We have a multitude of opportunities available to get your message in front...

New Andalusian and Lusitano Breed Brand

by By the International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association | Nov 3, 2005, 11:47 AM

The Spanish Andalusian and the Portuguese Lusitano are known collectively as the "Iberian Horse" from their place of origin, Europe's Iberian Peninsula. A new brand to represent these beautiful horses was approved by the International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association (IALHA) at their recent board meeting in Tulsa. The IALHA is the North American registry for all bloodlines of the Iberian Horse, including pure Spanish, pure Portuguese, pure Spanish/Portuguese and Half-Andalusians. The...

Paso Fino Horse Association 2006 Hall of Fame Nominations

by By Sarah Holt | Nov 3, 2005, 10:33 AM

Now is the time to nominate an individual or a horse to be considered for induction into the Paso Fino Hall of Fame. Individuals must be in good standing with the Paso Fino Horse Association and must have been inactive in PFHA-sanctioned events for a period of five years or must be age 60 or older as of September 1, 2006. If deceased, the nominee must have been in good standing at the time of death. The nominee must have invested a minimum of five years, regionally or nationally, in helping to...

Wilma Won’t Deter the 122nd Annual National Horse Show and Family Festival Set for Wellington

by By Phelps Media Group | Nov 3, 2005, 10:16 AM

Hurricane Wilma dealt a damaging blow to South Florida and the equestrian community of Wellington when she struck the area on October 24, 2005. Despite the widespread impact, the equestrian community is rapidly recovering and gradually returning to normal. The Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club, home to the 122nd Annual National Horse Show and Family Festival, sustained some damage, but nothing that will prevent this year’s show from going on as scheduled beginning on November 30 and running...

Reining Division Champions Named at the 2005 Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show

by By Carol Trimmer | Nov 3, 2005, 10:05 AM

The 2005 Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show, which celebrated its 33rd year in Oklahoma City October 8-15, was yet another success. The show awarded titles in more than 250 classes. The 1,200-plus entries represented some of the world’s finest Morgan horses from across the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Austria. The oldest Morgan who competed was 25 years old. For the second year in a row, Futurity French Command was the sire with the most number of offspring...