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American Saddlebred Individual Award Nominations Due October 31

by By Reeves Kirtner | Sep 22, 2005, 10:54 AM

Nominations for the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) Annual Individual Awards are due Monday, October 31. Each year at the ASHA Annual Meeting in February, seven prestigious awards-–Lifetime Achievement, Meritorious Service, Breeder’s, C.J. Cronan Sportsmanship, Lurline Roth Sportsmanship, Gordon Jenkins International and Frank Ogletree Youth--are presented to seven of the most deserving people in the industry. Members wishing to send in nominations should include a written...

West Coast Active Riders Gear Up for a Season of World Cup Qualifying Grand Prix Competitions

by By Phelps Media Group | Sep 22, 2005, 10:50 AM

The West Coast Active Riders Organization kicked off the start of their World Cup qualifier season with the $50,000 Grand Prix of Showpark in Del Mar, CA, held on September 3, 2005. Mario Onate took top honors with his own mount, Banco Del Bajio Otelo. The United States riders who earned World Cup points include Gabriella Salick and her gray stallion, Sandstone Laurin, of Sandstone Horse Sales, LLC; Mike Endicott with Farrokh Moshar’s bay gelding, Lennongrad; and Joie Gatlin with Canyon...

Engle and Kraut Will Battle for the American Grand Prix Association Rider of the Year Title at Harrisburg

by Sarah Evers | Sep 22, 2005, 10:43 AM

After 30 of 33 events on the 2005 tour, it all comes down to one class in this year’s race for the titles of American Grand Prix Association (AGA) Rider, Horse and Rookie of the Year. Entering its 27th year, the AGA Grand Prix Series of Show Jumping is the world’s richest and longest running series of equestrian show jumping events. The AGA offers over $3 million in prize money on a tour that encompasses 30 events and 20 different equestrian market locations across the United States....

Special Performance by the Tempel Lipizzans to Benefit the USDF Capital Campaign

by By the United States Dressage Federation | Sep 22, 2005, 10:11 AM

A special performance by the Tempel Lipizzans to benefit the United States Dressage Federation's (USDF) Capital Campaign is planned for Sunday, September 25, at 2 p.m. This exclusive event, sponsored by Land Rover, will include highlights of the Tempel Lipizzans performance featuring live commentary about the history of the 425-year-old Lipizzan breed as well as an explanation of some of the movements performed. Following the 45-minute performance, guests will have the opportunity to ask...

Paso Fino Horse Association Grand National Championship Underway

by By Sarah Holt | Sep 22, 2005, 10:05 AM

The first four days of competition at the 33rd Paso Fino Horse Association Grand National Championship Show are now in the history books. The very first class of the show, Pleasure Schooling Four-Year-Old Fillies had a total of 48 entries and Dictadora de Flat Rock, ridden by Shaw Laney and owned by Paul and Ali Casey, topped the class. Fifteen national champions were crowned on the first day and 17 the second. Competition on Monday included the very first Pleasure Amateur Owner Geldings For...

Monarch International's Show Circuit Magazine Professional WCHR Showcases the Best Hunter Riders

by By Diana DeRosa | Sep 22, 2005, 10:01 AM

The Monarch International’s Show Circuit Magazine Professional World Championship Hunter Rider (WCHR) title is one that is sought all year by top professional hunter riders throughout the country. The four riders who amass the most points at their top four WCHR shows, plus at the final WCHR event, the Capital Challenge Horse Show, then compete head-to-head in an unparalleled ride-off. As Professional WCHR, the winner not only earns the most prestigious title available to a hunter rider, but...

St. Louis National Charity Horse Show to Feature Hunter Clinic

by By Reeves Kirtner | Sep 22, 2005, 9:22 AM

The St. Louis National Charity Horse Show will feature a special hunter clinic with two demonstrations during the four-day show. The clinic will be hosted by Bill Moroney, who is a United States Equestrian Federation “R” judge in hunter, hunt seat equitation and jumper. Moroney has trained horses to wins at shows such as the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, Washington International, Pennsylvania National, Lake Placid and the Winter Equestrian Festival. Moroney is also president of the United...

Vaulters Share their Spirit at Second Annual Conference

by By R. VanVranken | Sep 22, 2005, 9:19 AM

Equestrian vaulting combines the strength of gymnastics with the beauty of dance on the back of a moving horse. It is one of the seven recognized disciplines in international equestrian sports. Vaulting is also used to develop basic equitation and in many therapeutic programs. Have you ever considered what vaulting might be able to add to your riding program? Would you need to train a horse for a vaulting club? Do you want to know what the judge is seeing when scoring vaulters? Whether you are...

USA Today Names U.S. Show Jumping Rider Jeffery Welles Athlete of the Week!

by Sarah Lane | Sep 21, 2005, 10:35 AM

Lexington, KY – A flawless double clear ride in Barcelona, Spain was one of the deciding factors in determining which team would go home as 2005 Samsung Super League Champions. As it happens, the U.S. Show Jumping Team was destined to take home that title—a title that more than a dozen U.S. riders worked for all summer long, and a title that came down to one last Nations Cup competition at CSIO Barcelona. As for the double-clear round that helped clinch the overall season win, we...

Andrea Ice Named USEF Director of Hunter and Collegiate Activities

by Sarah Lane | Sep 21, 2005, 9:16 AM

— Effective October 3rd, Andrea Ice will take the position of Director of Hunter and Collegiate Activities for the United States Equestrian Federation. As Director of Hunter Activities, Ice assumes the position vacated by Susan Dotson, the newly named Executive Director of the United States Hunter Jumper Association. Ice’s duties will include overseeing and directing the Hunter Department, under the direction of Karen Homer-Brown in National Sport Programs. In addition, Ice will...