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Below is a library of guides to assist our USEF Para Dressage Centers of Excellence enhance their programs. These documents should be used as a resource and should not be taken as requirements. If you have any suggestions or additional materials you would like to see on this page please contact Laura Roberts ([email protected]).

Forms and Publications

How to Get Started in Para-Dressage

USPEA Para Dressage 101

Para Equestrian Webinars

Educational Webinars

Long Term Athlete Development Model

Long Term Athlete Development Model for Para-Equestrian athletes

Para Dressage Virtual Judging Specifications

Bringing the International Judges to you!

Virtual Emerging National Judging Program

Bringing the National Judges to you!

USEF Para Dressage Coach Certificate Program

USEF Para Dressage Coach Certificate Program

Seminar Organizers Packet

A guide to hosting USEF seminars and practicums

USEF Para Dressage

US Equestrian main Para Dressage resource hub

United States Para-Equestrian Association

USPEA - affiliate to USA Para Dressage