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Arabian Youth Nationals Awhirl with Competition and Activities

by By Susan Bavaria | Aug 17, 2005, 3:40 PM

The Youth National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show (Youth Nationals) celebrated its 13th anniversary when it returned to Expo New Mexico in Albuquerque on July 23-30. This year's event showcased more than 1,000 of the nation’s best Arabians, Half-Arabians and Anglo-Arabians from the United States and Canada competing in 124 classes with their talented young riders. Divisions included English, Western, dressage, driving, equitation, halter, horsemanship, hunter, native costume,...

USEF Announces Hackney Rule Forums

by Sarah Lane | Aug 17, 2005, 12:53 PM

Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) will host two open rule forums in the coming month, to discuss rules as they apply to the Hackney Division. The first will take place during the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show in Louisville, Kentucky, on Thursday, August 25th at approximately 3:00 p.m., in the Lock-Heather room at the Executive West Hotel. This forum will immediately follow the American Hackney Horse Society’s Board Meeting,...

Prince Set to Defend Title at American Gold Cup, September 15-18

by by Sara Cavanagh | Aug 17, 2005, 12:00 PM

Devon, PA – Kimberly Prince of Hume, Virginia, will defend her title in the $75,000 American Gold Cup, September 15-18, at the Devon show grounds. Prince, who competed at the Gold Cup last year as Kimberly Frey, won the Gold Cup on the mare, Marlou, and placed second in the Welcome Stake Friday evening on Couletto K James. This year, Prince will compete in both the Welcome Stake and the Gold Cup on Couletto K James. Since last year’s Gold Cup, Prince has represented the United...

New KDA Requirements for Animals Exhibiting at KSF

by By Reeves Kirtner | Aug 17, 2005, 2:09 AM

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) has put into effect new requirements for all animals exhibiting at the Kentucky State Fair. Please check or call (502) 564-3956 prior to movement for any current movement restrictions. Please check in at the Stall Office trailer, located by Barn O, upon arrival. Check in with KDA Animal Health Staff before proceeding to the stall areas. All CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests need to be available on the vehicle transporting the...

Australia Has Top Two In World Cup Eventing Final - Clayton, and Hoy

by gaillardm | Aug 15, 2005, 9:42 AM

From the FEI: At the end of a thrilling Jumping phase, Australia’s Clayton Fredericks came out as the worthy winner of the 2005 FEI Eventing World Cup Final. Performing a magnificent clear round, he retained his overnight score of 42 penalties. The 2nd place goes to yet another Australian, Andrew Hoy, who had one rail down and one time penalty to finish on 44.3. Piia Pantsu follows in 3rd position only 0.1 points behind Hoy (44.4). A total of SEK 630,000 (EUR 68,000) was distributed in prize...

Lauren Hogan of Tampa, Florida, and High Fashion Crowned Overall Wild Horsefeathers/USEF Grand Hunter Pony Champion

by By Maria Partlow | Aug 14, 2005, 5:57 AM (Lauren Hogan on High Fashion) (Lexington, KY) – Although storms and much-needed rain poured down on the Bluegrass State Saturday, a young lady from the Sunshine State took home a treasure trove of silver, a Pessoa Saddle, and a Blue Ribbon Cooler appliquéd with their new accolades. Lauren Hogan, 13, and High Fashion, a seven-year-old medium pony mare, won with a score of 1033 points. High Fashion is owned by Laura King-Kaplan, and Lauren is trained by Bill Schaub of Orlando,...

California’s Annie Laurie Cook Takes Home the Gold Medal in the Adequan/USEF Pony Jumper Individual Championship

by gaillardm | Aug 13, 2005, 5:36 AM

Eight Year Old Hannah Holik of Wyoming Grabs Silver (Lexington, KY_ - At the end of a heated jump-off, Annie Laurie Cook from Woodside, CA, took home the coveted Gold medal in a two-ride jump-off to determine the top two finishers. Posting the only completely clean set of rounds at during the Individual Jumper competition, she finished the jump-off on a time of 41.295. Cook, a soon-to-be 7th grader at Menlo Junior High School was the only rider representing Zone 10 to compete in the final round...

Zone 3 Wins Adequan/USEF Pony Jumper National Team Championship

by gaillardm | Aug 12, 2005, 1:49 PM

(Lexington, KY) – Youthful enthusiasm, team spirit and riding skill were all in-sync last night for the young riders representing Zone 3 at the Adequan/USEF Pony Jumper Championship at the Kentucky Horse Park. The exciting and hotly contested competition was determined by just one rail as Zone 3 with 12 faults narrowly defeated Zone 2 with 16 faults and was awarded the Willow Grove Farm Perpetual Trophy. Zone 8 was third with 29 faults. Zone 3 was represented by Nellie Foosaner, 13, of...

Annie Davidson Wins the 2005 USEF Pony Medal Championship

by gaillardm | Aug 12, 2005, 3:09 AM

Annie Davidson Wins the 2005 USEF Pony Medal Championship 8 Year Old Lillie Keenan Makes Dreams Come True for Others (Lexington, KY) – In the blistering summer heat, Annie Davidson, age 12 of Newtown, Pennsylvania was named Grand Champion of the 2005 Pony Medal Championship held at the Kentucky Horse Park yesterday. The Championship was held as part of the USEF Pony Finals August 10-13. Annie received the Easter Sunday Memorial Perpetual Trophy, a cooler and tack trunk donated by Oakcroft Tack...

Adrienne Sternlicht on Vanity Fair Wins 2005 Wild Horsefeathers/USEF Green Pony Hunter Championship

by gaillardm | Aug 11, 2005, 6:36 PM

(Lexington, KY) – Adrienne Sternlicht on the seven year old gelding Vanity Fair, won yesterday’s 2005 Wild Horsefeathers / USEF Green Pony Hunter Championship. The championship was held as part of the USEF Pony Finals being held August 10-13 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY. As champion, the twelve year old Adrienne and “Coco,” a large pony, walked away with the Brownland Farm Perpetual Trophy, a Royal Rider Dress Sheet, a ten-inch Revere bowl keeper trophy and a Pessoa saddle. Her...