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Nominations Due January 10, 2006 for the Fifth Annual 2006 Equine Industry Vision Award

by By Chris Brune | Aug 24, 2005, 2:01 AM

January 10, 2006 is the deadline date for nominations for the fifth annual Equine Industry Vision Award, which will be presented at the American Horse Publications (AHP) Annual Seminar in Orlando, FL, on June 23, 2006. Pfizer Animal Health sponsors the award in partnership with AHP and developed it to recognize outstanding leadership, creativity and meritorious contributions in the equine industry. Anyone is eligible to be nominated or to nominate a candidate for the Equine Industry Vision...

2005 FEI World Driving Championship Pairs Update: Competition Horses Announced

by Sarah Evers | Aug 23, 2005, 9:47 AM

Lexington, KY – Following the announcement of U.S. Team and Alternate/Individual drivers on June 2, the United States Equestrian Federation has announced the horses which will accompany the U.S. Team to the 2005 FEI World Driving Championship Pairs in Wals-Siezenheim, Austria, September 8-11. United States Team Members with accompanying horses are as follows: Fritz Grupe with the following three horses: –Magnum 44 (1994 Oldenburg gelding, owned by Fritz Grupe), –Peter (1992 Sachsen gelding,...

I’m First is First on Monday Night at the 2005 Saddlebred's World’s Championship Horse Show

by By Reeves Kirtner, American Saddlebred Horse Association | Aug 23, 2005, 4:00 AM

Lexington, Kentucky – Stonecroft Farm’s homebred I’m First (CF First Night Out x That Special Face) vindicated his owner’s and trainer’s longstanding faith in him by becoming the World's Champion Five-Gaited Stallion Monday evening under the guidance of Nelson Green. The chestnut stallion, foaled in 2000, is a graduate of the American Saddlebred Registry futurity programs. He won the Two-Year-Old Five-Gaited Stake in 2002. He also won the Three-Year-Old...

History Made on First Day of the 2005 Saddlebred World's Championship Horse Show with Worldwide Webcast; My Charming Christina wins weanling division of ASR Futurity of Kentucky

by by Reeves Kirtner, American Saddlebred Horse Association | Aug 22, 2005, 12:19 PM

Lexington, Kentucky – For the first time in the 102-year history of the World's Championship Horse Show, the competition can be seen via webcast on the American Saddlebred Horse Association's website, . Alan F. Balch, ASHA executive secretary, said the response has been very positive. "According to the e-mails we have been receiving and the posts on some of the Saddlebred online forums, the feed is going well for most Saddlebred enthusiasts," Balch said....

U.S. Team Announced for Eighth and Final Leg of 2005 Samsung Super League, CSIO Barcelona, September 15-18

by Sarah Lane | Aug 19, 2005, 9:39 AM

Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation has announced the team for the eighth and final leg of the 2005 Samsung Super League, CSIO Barcelona, Spain, September 15-18. The team members are listed below in alphabetical order: Lauren Hough of Wellington, FL, with Casadora (1996 Dutch Warmblood mare, owned by Laura Davies Mateo). Laura Kraut of Oconomowoc, WI, with Anthem (1991 KWPN Dutch Warmblood gelding, owned by the Summit Syndicate). Christine Tribble of Wellington, FL,...

Stephanie Danhakl and In Sync Named Grand Champions of 2005 Show Circuit Magazine/USEF National Junior Hunter Championships—West Coast

by Sarah Lane | Aug 18, 2005, 1:43 PM

San Juan Capistrano, CA – In an amazing dual victory of sorts, Stephanie Danhakl of Pacific Palisades, California, and her horse In Sync, claimed their second National Championship victories respectively, at the fifth annual Show Circuit Magazine/USEF National Junior Hunter Championships, West Coast, in San Juan Capistrano, California, August 16-17. Stephanie won the 2004 Championships on the West Coast, riding Callaway, while her winning Thoroughbred gelding In Sync, trained by Archie...

USEF Members Offered Discount at AAEP Horseman's Day

by Sarah Evers | Aug 18, 2005, 9:37 AM

The annual American Association of Equine Practitioners' (AAEP) Horseman's Day is scheduled for Sunday, December 4, in Seattle, WA, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel and Towers. Horseman's Day runs in conjuction with the AAEP's Annual Convention, and provides horse owners and other attendees with up-to-date health care information. Presentation topics include dentistry, purchase exams, wound management and bandaging, laminitis, and the plight of the unwanted horse. USEF members can...

Fiesta Horsemen Symposium to Offer Educational Information

by By Cheryl Magoteaux | Aug 18, 2005, 3:56 AM

The Fiesta in the Park Reining Show, slated for August 24-28, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY, features the Adequan®/USEF Open Reining Championship, plus a whole week of reining action. A special highlight will be the Fiesta Horsemen Symposium on Saturday, August 27. Admission is free and the symposium will be held upstairs in the Kentucky Horse Park Coliseum at 10 a.m. Two informative programs will feature information, door prizes and other benefits. First up, with a 30 minute...

Maitozo and Benjamin Turn in Golden Performances at 2005 USEF/AVA National Vaulting Championships

by By Sarah Lane | Aug 18, 2005, 1:38 AM

USEF Archive (Devon Maitozo, 2005 Men’s National Champion) Denver, CO – In a crowd-capturing performance, vaulting’s revered Devon Maitozo, of Simi Valley, California, once again claimed the right to the golden title, as Men’s National Champion, at the 2005 USEF/AVA National Vaulting Championships in Denver, Colorado, August 11-14. Vaulting atop Mozart, a Warmblood gelding, longed by Carolyn Bland and owned by FACE Vaulters, Maitozo performed his technical test to John...

Federal Highway Legislation Approved with Recreational Trails Program Funding

by By the American Horse Council | Aug 17, 2005, 3:46 PM

President Bush has signed into law the $300 billion federal highway funding bill, known as SAFETEA-LU, approved by Congress just before it broke for the August-Labor Day recess. The controversial legislation took over two years to agree to and enact, requiring numerous Continuing Resolutions extending the prior federal highway bill past its expiration. Recreational Trails Program Funding Favorable funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) was included in the legislation. The total...