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Woodside Horse Park To Host Three-Day Event on Memorial Day Weekend

by By Tracy Byars | May 26, 2005, 10:57 AM

The Horse Park at Woodside in California will host a U.S. Eventing Association (USEA)-recognized three-day event on Memorial Day weekend, taking advantage of its new cross-country course and the recent granting of county permits for use of and improvements to the 272-acre equestrian property, as well as an extension to its lease from Stanford University through 2017. The May 27-29 event, in which riders will compete at levels from Beginner Novice through Intermediate, is the first of a series...

Farnam Partners with USEF; Takes Reins as one of Equestrian’s Leading Sponsors

by Sarah Lane | May 26, 2005, 10:52 AM

Lexington, KY – The nation’s leading manufacturer of equine products for more than 50 years, Farnam Companies, Inc., has made a bold move that will help shape the face of equestrian sport as it gallops full force into the 21st century. The newest top-tier partner of the United States Equestrian Federation, Farnam’s involvement in the industry will be far-reaching, and will include title affiliation with the USEF’s prestigious Horse of the Year program, as well as...

FEI Legal Update on the Olympic Case of Waterford Crystal and Cian O'Connor

by By Muriel Faienza | May 26, 2005, 10:48 AM

On May 23, the FEI Judicial Committee published its full decision in the case related to the findings of prohibited substances in the horse Waterford Crystal, ridden by Cian O’Connor at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. The preliminary decision on that case was communicated on March 27, 2005. Following a hearing held on that day in Zurich, Switzerland, the Judicial Committee had decided on the disqualification from the 2004 Olympic Games and a suspension of a period of three months. O’Connor...

Two FEI Children’s International Jumping Qualifiers to be at Los Angeles- and Colorado-Based Shows

by By the Langer Equestrian Group | May 26, 2005, 10:39 AM

Langer Equestrian Group, Inc., will host two FEI Children’s International Jumping Qualifiers in 2005. The Colorado Summer Classic at the Colorado Horse Park in Parker, CO, will take place July 20-24, and the Los Angeles International Jumping Festival at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center in Burbank, CA, will take place September 21-25. These two events will serve as two of the United States’ qualifiers for riders 12-14 (FEI age). The Federation Equestrian International introduced the Children’s...

USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage Program Underway

by By Jennifer Keeler | May 26, 2005, 10:29 AM

The USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage Program kicked off 2006 with the first of three official Selection Trials at the CDI Three-Star/Y Cincinnati and Spring Classic I & II, held May 13–15 at Paxton Farm in Batavia, OH. This USEF/Markel Young Horse Dressage Central Selection Trial for the FEI World Breeding Championships showcased the region’s most promising dressage prospects in their quest to qualify for Verden. In a new format this year, the Selection Trial competition is comprised of two...

Attention Children Jumper Riders

by By Jennifer Haydon | May 26, 2005, 10:22 AM

This year’s FEI Children’s International Jumping Final will be held at Hummingbird Nest Ranch in Simi Valley, CA, November 21-27, and it promises to be as exciting as last year’s. The Final for Children between the ages of 12 and 14 as defined by FEI rules brings together riders from various nations around the world not only to compete, but also to meet their peers from other cultures. Qualifying procedures and qualifying classes for the FEI Children’s International Jumping Final are available...

Rockin’ Saddlebred Versatility Demonstration To Be Held at Devon Horse Show and Country Fair

by By Reeves Kirtner, ASHA | May 26, 2005, 10:20 AM

Six American Saddlebred horses will demonstrate the versatility of the breed on Tuesday, May 31, at 7 p.m., at the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair in Pennsylvania. Julie Lynn Andrew has put together a team of six horses that will perform combined driving, pleasure driving, show jumping, western pleasure, dressage and five-gaited. The horses will do the demonstration to rock and roll songs such as "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith, "Jump" by Van Halen and "Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie and end...

Kentucky Victory Propels Aaron Vale Back Into Top Ten in Race for AGA Rider of the Year; Fellers Moves Up with California Win

by By Phelps Media Group | May 26, 2005, 10:01 AM

Laura Kraut extended her lead to 13 points over Beezie Madden in the race for American Grand Prix Association (AGA) Rider of the Year following a fifth place finish in the Mary Rena Murphy Grand Prix in Kentucky over the weekend. Meanwhile, victories by Aaron Vale in Kentucky and Rich Fellers in California have juggled the standings and moved both of those riders into contention for the American Grand Prix Association title. Entering its 27th year, the AGA Grand Prix Series of Show Jumping is...

New Jersey Primed to Showcase Top Equestrian Talent, June 16-18

by Sarah Lane | May 25, 2005, 4:53 AM

Public and Media Invited to Attend the USET Foundation Dressage Festival of Champions, Featuring the 2005 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF National Grand Prix and Intermediaire I Dressage Championships, presented by Paul Miller, Inc. Lexington, KY – Equestrian stars will light up the arena in Gladstone, June 16-18, as one of the nation’s premier dressage competitions unfolds in New Jersey. The 2005 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF National Grand Prix and Intermediaire I Dressage Championships,...

And Now There are Three…Texas Joins States with Vesicular Stomatitis in 2005

by By the Texas Animal Health Commission | May 23, 2005, 9:33 AM

On Friday, May 20, Texas joined New Mexico and Arizona as states with confirmed cases of vesicular stomatitis (VS) this spring. Two Travis County horses were hauled home on May 10 from a trail ride in Arizona, where they apparently were exposed to the virus that can cause animals to develop blisters and sores in the mouth, on the tongue, muzzle, teats and hooves. The year’s first VS cases were confirmed April 27 in two horses in southwestern New Mexico. Since then, infection has been detected...