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U.S. Show Jumpers Dominated at La Baule - Winning Multiple Classes in Addition to Super League

by Sarah Lane | May 11, 2005, 8:47 AM

Bloomberg Leading Rider La Baule, France – The U.S. Show Jumping Team arrived in La Baule, France last week, locked, loaded and ready. Not only did they handily win the first Samsung Super League Nations Cup of the season by four faults over Great Britain, but team members also won three other classes and were well placed throughout the show. And at the end of the four days of competition it was the United States’ team member, New York City’s Georgina Bloomberg, 22, who was...

USEF Competition License Procedure Update and FAQ's #5

by By USEF | May 11, 2005, 3:41 AM

This week's question is of vital importance to organizers in planning your future competition dates. Question: Why do my dates move a week forward in 2007? Answer: In 2003, the USEF Board of Directors adopted a rule regarding comparable dates which went into effect January 1, 2005. The rule states as follows: GR110 Comparable Dates. 1. For competitions with a start date of January 1, 2005 and later comparable dates are based on a system of numbering the weeks of the year. a. The first week of...

Cosequin Stuart Horse Trials & CIC** Announces Organizational Changes

by By Chris Stafford | May 11, 2005, 1:46 AM

The Cosequin Stuart Horse Trials & CIC**, which takes place July 21-24, 2005, inVictor, NY, has a new organizer to replace Kyra Stuart King who has taken over the Presidency of the United States Eventing Association (USEA). Stuart was previously the organizer of the Cosequin Stuart Horse Trials & CIC** since 1990. Her role as organizer has been taken over by Louisa (Wezo) Pierson who has been involved with the event for many years as a patron and fence sponsor. Stuart is excited about the...

USEF Announces Four Eventers for CCI **** Talent Tour in Luhmühlen, Germany

by Sarah Lane | May 10, 2005, 5:11 AM

Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation’s High Performance Committee has finalized the list of four horse and rider eventing teams which will represent the USEF in a Talent Tour at the Luhmühlen CCI **** in Luhmühlen, Germany, June 15-20. They are: Becky Holder and Courageous Comet , a 9-year-old grey Thoroughbred gelding, by Comet Shine out of Rosenelli, and owned by Tom Holder Bonnie Mosser and Jenga , an 11-year-old bay English Thoroughbred gelding, by...

George Morris Leads U.S Show Jumping Team to Win First Leg of Samsung Super League at La Baule, France

by Maria Partlow | May 6, 2005, 5:45 AM

La Baule, France - Lady riders completely dominated the first leg of the 2005 Samsung Super League nations cup series in La Baule, France today where the all-girl American side won through ahead of the British, while America's Schuyler Riley and Britain's Ellen Whitaker produced the two double-clear performances of the day. George Morris and his team now head for the second leg of the Samsung Super League series in Rome later this month full of confidence and knowing that all the effort...

Another Banner Year for the Garden State Horse Show

by By Classic Communications | May 5, 2005, 9:48 AM

It was a strong start for Cynthia Williams on the opening day of the Garden State Horse Show, held May 4-8 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ. Williams and a seven-year-old gelding named Quality Time topped the first three Green Conformation classes. Owned by White Hill Farm of New York, NY, the 16.2-hand hunter will make a play for the Green Conformation championship on Thursday when the final classes are held in the main hunter ring. In the Pre-Green hunters, Sandra Lobel of...

Kentucky Department of Agriculture's Vesicular Stomatitis Embargo

by By Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Agriculture | May 5, 2005, 9:33 AM

With the notification received yesterday evening that an equine animal residing on a single premise in Maricopa County, AZ, has been diagnosed with Vesicular Stomatitis (VS), Kentucky's Administrative Regulation 302 KAR 20:115 will now prohibit the entry of all livestock, wild and exotic animals into Kentucky from the VS Embargoed portions of Arizona identified as being Maricopa County. Both Arizona and New Mexico have regions designated by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture as VS Embargoed...

Paso Fino Horse Association Rule Change Proposals

by By Sarah Holt, PFHA | May 4, 2005, 11:27 AM

The Paso Fino Horse Association Rules Committee requests that any proposal for rule changes be submitted to the Executive Director of the Paso Fino Horse Association, 101 North Collins Street, Plant City Florida 33566-3311 on or before June 1, 2005. Submissions are requested on disk utilizing a PC format in MS Word or Word Perfect. Please review the requirements of our current rule book concerning rules changes, which are described in Chapter One, Section I, page 17 of the rule book, and...

2005 Gold Coast Shows Continue Series Awards

by By Langer Equestrian Group | May 4, 2005, 11:18 AM

The Gold Coast series of horse shows, held at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center (LAEC), are three day USEF “B” rated hunter/jumper shows that allow people to stay close to home while enjoying a quality show. There are seven shows in the 2005 series, and the series kicked off with Gold Coast 1, February 18-20. Because of the large size of the LAEC, the shows run with multiple rings and offer classes for a wide range of abilities and interests. From the United States Equestrian Team medal class...

FEI General Assembly – Reining’s Olympic Dream Is Alive and Well

by By Carol Trimmer, NRHA | May 4, 2005, 11:14 AM

When will reining be in the Olympics? We have all heard the question. As the only Western discipline approved for Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) competition, reining is on the threshold of Olympic inclusion. While the threshold won’t easily be traversed, reining received a substantial and very encouraging boost when the FEI, during its 2005 FEI General Assembly, April 5-10, in London, England, proposed recommending to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) the addition of a fourth...