Breaking US Equestrian news releases contain the latest information regarding the organization, national championships, U.S. athletes and teams in international competition, breed news, and important member alerts. Manage the news you receive at the US Equestrian Preference Center.

US Equestrian Announces New Partnership with Training App Ridely

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 25, 2021, 4:00 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce a new partnership with Ridely, the leading equestrian training app, and a MemberPerk providing a discount on Ridely Pro for US Equestrian members. Ridely is both a training journal and an educational video library for equestrians. The digital journal functionality allows users to track training sessions, shoeing, competition results, and more. Upload photos and videos to track progress and create a training plan to achieve your goals....

US Equestrian Announces New Membership Tier Structure for Implementation in 2022

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 25, 2021, 10:00 AM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the launch of a newly designed membership tier structure to be implemented during the 2022 membership renewal season, offering more access, and expanded opportunity to grow equestrian sport through increased engagement. The new membership tiering will not impact the current pricing structure of membership categories but will adjust benefits and access allocated to each individual tier. The move to restructure the membership tiering...

Final Short-Format Leg of the Adequan®/USEF Eventing Youth Team Challenge Wraps Up at Woodside; Entries Close Soon for East and West Coast Finals

by Leslie Potter/US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 22, 2021, 8:00 AM

Woodside, Calif. – The last of the short-format competitions in the Adequan®/USEF Eventing Youth Team Challenge series took place October 7-10 in Woodside, California. Six horse-and-rider pairs contested the event, which is the last leg before the East and West Coast long-format finals take place in November. Pip Hayes and So Cool, winners of the Adequan/USEF Eventing Youth Team Challenge CCI2*-S at Woodside. ©Tina Fitch Photography In the CCI2*-S, Pip Hayes (Plymouth, Calif.)...

One-Week Bid Process Now Open for Week 19 CCI4*-L in 2022 on East Coast

by U.S. Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 21, 2021, 4:11 PM

Lexington, Ky. - Following the cancellation of the Jersey Fresh International Three-Day Event for 2022, US Equestrian will open a one-week bid process to fill the date on the 2022 U.S. Eventing Calendar. Per the 2022 U.S. FEI Eventing Calendar Policies and Procedures , applications to host the CCI4*-L level during the 2022 competition season are accepted by invitation only. The bid process opens today, October 21, and closes October 29 at midnight EST for one competition on the East Coast to...

2021 United States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show Returns to Tulsa

by Edited press release by the Arabian Horse Association | Oct 21, 2021, 11:39 AM

Aurora, Colo. – The Arabian Horse Association’s United States Arabian and Half-Arabian National Championship Horse Show (U.S. Nationals) is returning to Tulsa, Okla., from October 22-30, 2021, for another great year of competition! Returning to Tulsa for its 55 th year, U.S. Nationals will host exhibitors and horses from all over North America, competing in classes like country English pleasure, reined cow horse, hunter pleasure, and even halter. With almost 2,000 horses slated to...

Letter from President Tom O'Mara: "US Equestrian leadership is fully committed to creating a welcoming, safe, fun, and supportive environment for children and families"

by Thomas F.X. O’Mara, US Equestrian President | Oct 20, 2021, 11:31 AM

Dear US Equestrian Members, We all take pride in equestrian sport and our community. Equestrians show up, equestrians achieve, and they care. We don’t settle. We strive every day to do better in our partnerships with our horses and are committed to continuous growth. Additionally, we have also made great strides in making our sport safer and better for all equestrians, especially our youth, and we must continue with those efforts. I am writing this today because almost daily I, along with...

US Equestrian Announces U.S. Jumping Team for FEI Jumping Nations Cup Vejer de la Frontera CSIO3* & FEI Jumping Nations Cup Vilamoura CSIO3*

by U.S. Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 18, 2021, 6:12 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the athletes selected to represent the U.S. Jumping Team at the FEI Jumping Nations Cup Vejer de la Frontera CSIO3* in Vejer de la Frontera, Spain from October 28-31, 2021, and FEI Jumping Nations Cup Vilamoura CSIO3* in Vilamoura, Portugal, from November 17-21, 2021. The team will be led by Chef d’Equipe Anne Kursinski at both competitions. The aim with these teams is to offer a competitive team experience for athlete/horse...

Plans Underway for 2022 Robert Dover USEF Horsemastership Clinic Week

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 18, 2021, 4:25 PM

Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce that the 2022 Robert Dover USEF Horsemastership Clinic Week (RDHCW) will take place January 6-9, 2022, at the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Fla. Twenty-four athletes will be invited to participate, including up to five wild card spots. Invitations have been extended to the following athletes: The highest-placed U.S. individual medalists from the 2021 FEI North American Youth Championships (NAYC) in the Young...

US Equestrian Prepares for 2022 Annual Meeting in Naples, Florida – Registration Now Open!

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 18, 2021, 10:00 AM

Join us January 13-15 on the Paradise Coast in sunny Naples, Florida US Equestrian has announced registration is now open for the 2022 USEF Annual Meeting to be held at Naples Grande Beach Resort in Naples, Fla., from January 13-15, 2022. The 2022 USEF Annual Meeting will feature three days of meetings and conferences, as well as the Pegasus Awards Celebration on Thursday, January 13, and the SmartPak/USEF Horse of the Year Awards Celebration on Saturday, January 15. Register for the 2022 USEF...

Grace Debney Named Dover Saddlery/USEF Hunter Seat Medal Final Champion

by Kathleen Landwehr, US Equestrian Communications Department | Oct 17, 2021, 10:02 PM

Harrisburg, Pa. - The country’s top equitation riders converged at Pennsylvania National Horse Show for the Dover Saddlery/USEF Hunter Seat Medal Final. A field of 223 athlete-and-horse combinations completed the first round, with 25 combinations called back by judges Tom Brennan, Emil Spadone, and Geoff Teall for the second round. A rare two work-offs took place before Grace Debney was named the champion. Grace Debney, 2021 Dover Saddlery/USEF Hunter Seat Medal Final Champion (Andrew...